Max strength in intensive tempo phase?

Basketball Players doing Intensive Tempo? Look at the specific demands of the sport and work backwards…

What we are referring to is the basketball players coming out to run track after the season. I think they should do Int. Tempo when transferring from basketball to track mode.

You said 1-2 min b/w reps. Well then wouldn’t split runs theoretically be classified as int. tempo in most cases?

My phases from SPP on goes like this:
SPP - 8 weeks
Pre. Comp. - 6 weeks
General Comp. - 6 weeks
Specific Comp./Peak - 2 weeks

Also, are split runs supposed to be used for 8 weeks or is that depending on something?

Richard with a 3:1 ratio, I would modify your plan. Begin your training week on saturday. Afterall there’s no rule as to what the first day must be.
Sa: Speed + Weights
Su: Ext. Tempo + Core Circuit
Mo: Int. Tempo + Weights. (if possible, do the weights in the am)
Tu: Active Recov. + Flexibility
We: Int. Tempo + Weights (am?)
Th: Ext. Tempo + Core Circuit
Fr: Rest (complete)

What I proposed earlier was trying to jam to much into a week unless you were on a 2:1 cycle.

I was really just trying to help Richard with his dilema. Since the phase is only 4 weeks long and one of those is a recovery week, he’ll only be doing 6-8 total Int. Tempo sessions. As long as he includes methods designed keep his CNS firing, and he moves on to Sp, SpE, and SE in the next phase, I really don’t think that fibre conversion will be a concern. My bigger concern is that Int. Tempo spoils technique, and hardens up the muscles. R+R can take care of the later problem, but it really is essential that there is progress in terms of pace within the phase in order to keep the athletes in the right positions. When we see that Richard is going to be running at 90%, that tell me that he is already into SE.

AthleticsCoach -

I’ve talked to DaGovernor many other times about this and with Int. Tempo he is also doing acc. dev. and hill work to keep the CNS firing. I was just trying to show him how to move on from one phase to another as far as speed, speed end., etc. to make sure everything blends nicely.

400Stud -

You didn’t answer my question I posted.

You wouldn’t classify split runs as Int. Tempo since the pace is actually faster. The first rep is usually done pretty fast (90% or so) and then the other reps are also done pretty fast relative to how fast you can go (b/c of fatigue).

I’d use SE2 during Pre-Comp. and then start incorporating speed end/SE1 during your Comp. phases, etc.