Marita Koch WR400!!!

Check out this link of Marita Koch’s 47.6 in the 400. Awesome. I have been searching for this for over 12 months. Comments?

You are the shiznit! Thanks for the hard work.:clap:

I have had never seen the race before. She is amazing, not to mention that she set the record in lane 2! What was the second place time? Sub 48?

i’m not certain what the 2nd place time was.

World Cup, Canberra 1985

1 Marita Koch GDR 47.60 WR
2 Olga Vladykina URS 48.27
3 Lillie Leatherwood USA 50.43
4 Ana Fidelia Quirot AME 50.86
5 Jarmila Kratochvilova EUR 50.95
6 Debbie Flintoff OCE 51.57
7 P.T. Usha ASI 51.61
8 Kehinde Vaughan AFR 53.16

48.59 MJ… not a bad second place time…why are we stuck at 50 point still?


I was just about to post that the third place time 18 years ago, would still be a medal threat. Even though Olga Vladykina got dominated in that race, no one could touch her today. Why have the women not progressed like the men? Are the top runners staying sprinters because it’s easier to train for? Marion is probably the top 400m runner if so desired, but the money isn’t there.

thank you very very much!!! She is an amazing athlete!!! not much else to say but wow

The 400m is a difficult proposition from a grand prix perspective. The best results in the past were obtained with a VERY sparce 400m competition schedule, with preparatory competitions over shorter distances. Marita Koch sometimes ran 3 400m races in a year. How would the 400m girls of today make out financially if they relied on their short sprinting ability for most of their appearances?

i think that a gamble would have to be the situation. Nike and Ana G. (for example) would have to agree that if she were to run 4 meets in the year, she would have a GREAT chance at the WR and Nike would be allowed the rights to it. If she didn’t, of course, then she would be wearing adidas next year. If someone like Marion were to attempt this feat… Well, there would be a lot more publicity, and less of a loss if she didn’t get the WR b/c of all the press that she would get regardless. WOW Marita was fast

Check Out Jarmila Kratochvilova turn it on at the Europa Cup (1985? in London)

i thought i was watching a 200m race there for a second. I’m glad i finally got to see that race on video.

To date, there is a very small list of those capable of getting the 400 meter World Record. The only “slam dunk” is Marion (in the 100, 200, and LJ as well for that matter, if the training is right. But she’s one-of-a-kind.)

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
To date, there is a very small list of those capable of getting the 400 meter World Record…

Do you believe the potential is there for Allyson Felix (USA) to one day approach the existing 400mWR time? Certainly, Guevara is one.

if the rule “doubled best 200m time plus 3.5” applies to women, then we’ll need a 200m time of 22.05 to get to 47.60!

Just to give an example, at Rome yesterday, Torri Edwards ran a 22.28 and I think that’s the world leading mark.

Originally posted by fjlee
[b]if the rule “doubled best 200m time plus 3.5” applies to women, then we’ll need a 200m time of 22.05 to get to 47.60!

Just to give an example, at Rome yesterday, Torri Edwards ran a 22.28 and I think that’s the world leading mark. [/b]
No its #3 in the world Allyson has 22.11 for world leading and Kelli White is #3. I think that Allyson mgith go 49 one day but the person who would have the bast chance of coming close to the record would be Marion Jones. She has the speed she just doesn’t do a lot of open 400s. Also a contender would be Sanya Richards. She ran 50.69 as a 17 year old and has this year run 50.58 as an 18 year old and is only going to get faster. She might go even faster at Worlds.

nope… Felix 22.11A is the world leader.

That rule applies to men. It may require a bigger differential for women. I’m guessing it would require at least 21.90, though Marita Koch had an even greater differential, having clocked a time trial of 21.56 before the WR.

Charlie if marita koch entered the 300m mark at 34.1h what do you believe her open outdoors 300 mark would be. Also why do you think the womens indoor record for 300m is so slow?

I think the differential is different because Flojo had 21.34 in the 200 but could only go low 48. Gwen Torrence same thing mid 21 but she could only go 48. The collegiate record holder Dawn Sowell only went about a high 50.