Making the Most of Recovery Aids

Comfort zone is comfort zone,by definition NOTHING happens there. Too bad nothing happening is no good news,as we either move forward or backwards, in between is playground for tricks played by our minds.
Nevertheless we all keep showering,training,and living under comfortably warm water and half way turned knobs.

Thanks again Angela. Another thing I was thinking of is that I have heard some coaches state is that if you use too many recovery methods too often, then your body basically gets “worse” at recovering on its own. At elite levels I don’t think this would ever be something to worry about, because elite athletes don’t really have time to have sub-par training sessions because they weren’t recovered enough. But for developing athletes, I think it makes some amount of sense to limit some modalities at points in the year such as GPP, so that your body can deal with the fatigue on its own.

I also think that the amount and type of recovery modalities that should be used should be dependant on the athlete and sport and what type of training they are doing. Some amount of fatigue and even inflammation is necessary for certain adaptations, and so if some recovery method is going to decrease inflammation, then will you have gotten the most out of the training you were doing? In a sport like track where quality is such an important factor in training, and some of the metabolic and structural adaptations are often secondary to the neural adaptations, then recovery methods are probably well warranted so that you can feel the best for training as often as possible. But for some other sports I am not so sure.

Finally, one thing I have read from coaches who use the Omegawave with their athletes is that certain modalities are better/worse depending on the state the athlete is in, either sympathetic or parasympathetic dominance. Cold water is good for sympathetic overtone, and since the majority of speed/power athletes would be more likely sympathetically dominant, then contrast showers are probably a good recommendation to anyone. But other modalities such as sauna would not be as good of a choice.

i know at my school everyone thinks i’m crazy when contrasting but when i convince them to try it they fall in love (almost everyone here ices/cold water bathes and contrasting tends to be more comfortable and more effective for the recovery needed). almost all recovery aids used by the athletes are done in the facilities though and i think it’s because we like to have a clear division of student time and athlete time

Sympathetic overtone as you define is only an indication of where an individual may be along the adaptation phases spectrum. Per se it does not mean anything nor is enough for a training prescription. According to the reasoning above you would choose the recovery method to counterbalance a hypothetical inbalance,to correct something. It just does not work like that. If you add a factor in a process you have to take in consideration how that single added factor interplays with and influences all other factors which form the process at the time.

Every choice can be good or bad depending not upon a certain state,but on the direction you want to move the process into.

Beyond all the pseudo-science,in my experience contrast showers used in different hot/cold ratios,and with different durations,and frequencies of application provided results in areas ranging from performance to recovery,to fat loss,and even as a training tool by itself.

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Jul;111(7):1287-95. Epub 2010 Dec 4.
Short term effects of various water immersions on recovery from exhaustive intermittent exercise.
Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Duffield R, Lepretre PM, Cozzolino C, Hausswirth C.

Research Department, National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance, 11 avenue du Tremblay, 75012, Paris, France.

In order to investigate the effectiveness of different techniques of water immersion recovery on maximal strength, power and the post-exercise inflammatory response in elite athletes, 41 highly trained (Football, Rugby, Volleyball) male subjects (age = 21.5 ± 4.6 years, mass = 73.1 ± 9.7 kg and height = 176.7 ± 9.7 cm) performed 20 min of exhaustive, intermittent exercise followed by a 15 min recovery intervention. The recovery intervention consisted of different water immersion techniques, including: temperate water immersion (36°C; TWI), cold water immersion (10°C; CWI), contrast water temperature (10-42°C; CWT) and a passive recovery (PAS). Performances during a maximal 30-s rowing test (P(30 s)), a maximal vertical counter-movement jump (CMJ) and a maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MVC) of the knee extensor muscles were measured at rest (Pre-exercise), immediately after the exercise (Post-exercise), 1 h after (Post 1 h) and 24 h later (Post 24 h). Leukocyte profile and venous blood markers of muscle damage (creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)) were also measured Pre-exercise, Post 1 h and Post 24 h. A significant time effect was observed to indicate a reduction in performance (Pre-exercise vs. Post-exercise) following the exercise bout in all conditions (P < 0.05). Indeed, at 1 h post exercise, a significant improvement in MVC and P(30 s) was respectively observed in the CWI and CWT groups compared to pre-exercise. Further, for the CWI group, this result was associated with a comparative blunting of the rise in total number of leucocytes at 1 h post and of plasma concentration of CK at 24 h post. The results indicate that the practice of cold water immersion and contrast water therapy are more effective immersion modalities to promote a faster acute recovery of maximal anaerobic performances (MVC and 30″ all-out respectively) after an intermittent exhaustive exercise. These results may be explained by the suppression of plasma concentrations of markers of inflammation and damage, suggesting reduced passive leakage from disrupted skeletal muscle, which may result in the increase in force production during ensuing bouts of exercise.

J Sci Med Sport. 2009 May;12(3):417-21. Epub 2008 Jun 11.
Effect of water immersion methods on post-exercise recovery from simulated team sport exercise.
Ingram J, Dawson B, Goodman C, Wallman K, Beilby J.

The University of Western Australia, Human Movement and Exercise Science, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia.

This study aimed to compare the efficacy of hot/cold contrast water immersion (CWI), cold-water immersion (COLD) and no recovery treatment (control) as post-exercise recovery methods following exhaustive simulated team sports exercise. Repeated sprint ability, strength, muscle soreness and inflammatory markers were measured across the 48-h post-exercise period. Eleven male team-sport athletes completed three 3-day testing trials, each separated by 2 weeks. On day 1, baseline measures of performance (10 m x 20 m sprints and isometric strength of quadriceps, hamstrings and hip flexors) were recorded. Participants then performed 80 min of simulated team sports exercise followed by a 20-m shuttle run test to exhaustion. Upon completion of the exercise, and 24h later, participants performed one of the post-exercise recovery procedures for 15 min. At 48 h post-exercise, the performance tests were repeated. Blood samples and muscle soreness ratings were taken before and immediately after post-exercise, and at 24h and 48 h post-exercise. In comparison to the control and CWI treatments, COLD resulted in significantly lower (p<0.05) muscle soreness ratings, as well as in reduced decrements to isometric leg extension and flexion strength in the 48-h post-exercise period. COLD also facilitated a more rapid return to baseline repeated sprint performances. The only benefit of CWI over control was a significant reduction in muscle soreness 24h post-exercise. This study demonstrated that COLD following exhaustive simulated team sports exercise offers greater recovery benefits than CWI or control treatments.

Great post Ange and 2, 4 (especially The more I need a hot and cold the less I feel like doing it.) & 4 were the catalyst for me making a 2 cycle contrast my default morning shower after I read it. It was one of those mumble grumble yeah I Know really should things but now I wouldn’t change. :slight_smile:

Overall, I think worrying about overusing recovery methods is a little like worrying about eating too many fruits and vegetables or doing too much flexbility work. Technically it’s possible, but for the vast majority of people it’s a non-issue.

I have never used the Omegawave, so I was just restating what I had read. But yes, from what I understand, their reasoning is to “counterbalance” an imbalanced ANS state, generally to get back to a slightly parasympathetic dominance at rest (probably lots of exceptions here depending on athlete and sport). I 100% agree with your second point, but if someone is showing signs of sympathetic overreaching for a long long time, then to me that would be a sign that they are not adapting well to the training they are doing, which could be for a variety of reasons. But it makes sense to me then to have methods such as cold water therapy etc, in order to get the athlete into a more recovered state.

I was never really worrying about overusing recovery methods for myself, I was just asking Angela if she thought that the contrast showers lost any benefit over the years of doing them because I would assume the body would adapt to them over time.

I have been experimenting with Epsom salt towel soaks to deal with some nagging foot/calf morning pain and stiffness (I was re-reading this and thought I’d add since someone asked and it wasn’t really addressed, as well as bump this since it has some great information for people to read.)

For the past week, I started to do foot soaks in warm Epsom salt water. As I sat with feet in the tub, I was re-reading the CTFS recovery chapter where it talked about towel soaks. So I grabbed one and put it on one calf only to try an experiment. All week for 15-20 minutes I mixed 2 cups salt in 3.5 gallons of hot/warm water. Towel was re-applied every 5-7 minutes once it felt cool.

Morning after the first day, I woke with no pain or stiffness in the towel leg (the reason for doing this was due to a chronic morning stiffness/pain issue for several years, that generally goes away within 20-30 minutes of waking.)

I repeated this for 4 nights (tonight being #4). Each day I have awakened to no pain and my tone in the calf has decreased in portions, tested with palpation. I’ve seen a noticeable increased in ankle dorsiflexion throughout the week, and playing around with L5-S1 ELDOA, noticed a significant different on the towel treated leg.

I post this because Epsom salts might be more valuable in one’s self therapy that people think.

That’s sounds exciting. I’m not sure if I understand how exactly you do the towel soaks. Do you soak the towel in warm Epsom salt water, wrap it around the calf, wait for the towel to become cold and then repeat for a total of 15-20min? Do you do this once a day? Also, was this more effective than just bathing your feet in the Epsom Sal water. If yes, why do you think so?

Your description is correct. I am only wrapping one leg, so the other leg is getting a foot soak only. It appears my issues are more related to calf issues that need to be addressed.

Here is me in my shower with the towel wrapped.