I have never used the Omegawave, so I was just restating what I had read. But yes, from what I understand, their reasoning is to “counterbalance” an imbalanced ANS state, generally to get back to a slightly parasympathetic dominance at rest (probably lots of exceptions here depending on athlete and sport). I 100% agree with your second point, but if someone is showing signs of sympathetic overreaching for a long long time, then to me that would be a sign that they are not adapting well to the training they are doing, which could be for a variety of reasons. But it makes sense to me then to have methods such as cold water therapy etc, in order to get the athlete into a more recovered state.
I was never really worrying about overusing recovery methods for myself, I was just asking Angela if she thought that the contrast showers lost any benefit over the years of doing them because I would assume the body would adapt to them over time.