Mack's training journal

All valid points, i did not intend to test his 1RM it just so happened that way and I will not lose any sleep over it. It may sound selfish or what not but my goal is to have him be the best football player in August by improving his overall athleticism, especially his indicators- Bench Squat Pullups 40 and vertical, gotta get results…

I agree that your goal should be to make him the best player he can be in August, but do you really think having a god bench will be the key? Just make sure he’s spending enough time working on his skills, at least twice as much as he is in the weight room.

While this is an excellent consideration if bball is both a skill coach and a coach of preparation, but as I’m sure you know football players are required to do a ton of skill work during team workouts. I assure you that if this athlete sees tangible results in this short time frame in the indicated numbers it will lay the mental foundation necessary for exceptional future training results. Bball I look forward to seeing results…

Yes I agree, i will try to get his ball skills going ect, yet it his hard to do specific work for a linebacker because obviously you can not line kids up in pads and let them smack eachother in the middle of may. I agree bench will obv not directly correlate to football, none of those test do, but he will have a much greater chance of performing better with improved numbers in these areas…

he dont need to be smashing into players, you said you wanted to develop a athlete so he should be working on ball skills and learning how to cover te and rb nothing worst then seeing a stiff lb. You could even have him work on pass rushing vs a dummy this is more impressive then some 8th bp 200lbs

Your right but if he has the phsyical capabilities to apply on the football field he can be that much of a more complete player…

Apply what?

His new size, speed, and strength

im lost, are you saying theres no point to do position skill work.

No not at all, he will do plenty of this in the summer and obviously in the fall…

Skill work is vitally, but in American football many athletes are limited by their physical capabilities save the extensive SPP drills for a little while and incorporate some ball drills into “tempo agility runs” and do like 3x6seconds of an easy SPP drill before the athlete does his speed work.

ME Lower

good warmup

Box Squat- worked up to 235x1

BSS- 3x8 30’s

Reverse Hyper- 3x8 10lbs
Glute/Ham Raise- 3x8 BW

Abs- side to side decline 3x10

REP upper

Bench Press- 115lbs- 13 reps(no help this time) 9 reps, 65lbs 25 reps

Lat Pulldown- 3x10 120lbs
Seated Dbell powercleans- 15’s 3x10

Dbell Curls- 20’s 3x10

ME Upper

worked up to 135x3

Dbell Floor- 45’s 3x10

Seated Row- 160lbs 3x8
Face Pulls- 60lbs 3x8

Pushup hold- 1 minute

REP Upper

Bench- 115lbs 14 reps, 10 reps, 65lbs 24 reps

Pullups- 4x6

seated row- 3x10


Well mack’s been on vacation for the last 2 weeks, so i am doing some more training with him for the next 4-5 weeks, will set it up to basically look like this, goals being basically building a solid strength base- improving gpp including improving flexibility and movement efficiency via stretching and solid warmups that include line jumps and some sprints, most sprint work and spp will be covered when he works out twice a week with team

Monday- ME lower(box or parallel)

Wednesday- ME upper(5RM and then 3RM)

Friday- “Rep lower” 5x5 working up to decently heavy set of 5

Saturday- REP upper

ME lower

box squat(slightly below parallel)- worked up to 205x3, should get 225x3 next week

Bulgarian Split Squat elevated- 20’s 3x8

Dbell swings- 45’s 10, 10, 15


ME upper

Bench- worked up to 135x5(2 rep PR), about time he started to go up in this, hopefully can get 155x3 next week(his previous best one rep max)

Dbell Incline- 40’s 2x10

Seated Row-3x10
Face Pull-3x10

Shrugs- 205 3x10

Curls- 45lbs 3x10
Tricep Pushdowns- 3x10

Full body day

Box Squat-worked up to 205x3

Bench- 115x13, 95x14, 45x52

Single Leg Squats front leg elevated- 3x6 30’s

Pullups- 3x5
Seated Dbell Powerclean- 3x8 15’s

Hammer curls- 20’s 3x10(per arm)
Hyperextensions- 3x10 BW

Good mornings- 10x45lbs, 2x10 95lbs
Situps decline with medball- 3x10

also tested 1 arm reach vertical, touched 8 feet 11.5 inches with a 7’3" reach so a 20.5 inch vertical

hows ur athlete during?