8 x (45 seconds of mini slide lunges r and left, 45 seconds mountain
climbers, 45 seconds of rows right and left with a light db, 45 seconds of
medball solo seated chops.)
The mountain climbers KILLED me. I was very tired after this circuit.
[li]Pull-ups 10 x 8 reps with 3 minutes rest (push-ups inbetween for recovery purposes)
After the 4th set I couldn’t get all 8 and after the 6th I couldn’t get more than 6.5.
[li] Shrugs 3 x 8 heavy
[/li]-90lb dbs
[li]Hurdle mobility 14 or 15 x 5 hurdles every mode possible.
Originally was supposed to be 10 x 5, but I felt great doing it and it made my hips FEEL GOOD doing it, so I kept it up a little bit.
Ankle felt good doing this, feel it a little bit right now, but not to a significant degree. Ball of foot felt good. Mountain climbers were hard as hell, as were the pull-ups after the tempo. The hurdle mobility felt great. I feel I really benefit from this with my flexibility (or lack thereof) in my hips.
Day went well, although the weather was shitty at best (sleet, rain, tiny bits of snow, and very gloomy–you get the picture).