low volume speed work

Due to shin splints I can only do low volume speed work on tartan. What would be some workout options?

This is what I have in mind at the moment (please criticise). Focus speed endurance.

Day 1


Day 2

Tempo or bodyweight exercises (e.g. high repetition pull ups)

Day 3

Speed endurance

Day 4

Tempo or bodyweight exercises (e.g. high repetition pull ups)


Speed workout

Warm up- skipping and stretching
Set 1- progressively faster strides in flats, 166meters
Set 2- progressively faster strides in flats, 1
Warm down- skipping and stretching

Speed endurance workout

Warm up- skipping and stretching
Set 1- progressively faster strides in flats, 1100meters
Set 2- progressively faster strides in flats, 1
Warm down- skipping and stretching

Tempo workout (if done)

Warm up- skipping and stretching
Set 1- 6200meters @ 66%
Set 2- 6
200meters @ 66%
Warm down- skipping and stretching

ahh I see :slight_smile:

Maybe you can go short on grass with soccer cleats or similar two sessions a week and do you speed end on the track.

I have been doing all my speed on grass lately and find grip is great with soccer cleats. Going to head to the track in about 3 weeks or so.


If you find your shins are bad why not break up the distances in your various speed days?

On speed1 do a medium distance (say 30-50 meters tops)

Speed2 a short day (block starts 10-20 meters)

Speed 3 special End (80 meter to about 120meter)

I would not do weights on tempo days. Coordinate your weights immediately after speed. Work on your core a bit on tempo days but not too hard. Tempo days are recovery days you dont want to fry your CNS.

This is just my opinion of course :slight_smile:



I find I have problems with the number of sets more so than the total distance. Thus 633meters for a total of 200 meters would be a harder session than 2100meters for a total of 200meters.

The lightweights on tempo days would be for recovery and focused on the core (e.g. hanging leg raises).

Because of the location of my track and gym I cannot do weights and sprinting together. I have two windows in the day to exercise one before lunch and one before dinner. I live in the sub-tropics so the midday workout has to be indoors. Thus weights (indoors) come before sprinting (outdoors), even though it is not ideal.
