A lot of EMG work has been done on sports movements in the past: e.g. articles:
-De Luca, C.J: The use of surface electro-myography in biomechanics; J.Appl.Biomech. Vol.13, 1997, pg. 135-163.
-Dowling, J.J: The use of electromyography for noninvasive prediction of muscle forces; Sports Med. Vol.24, No.2, 1997, pg.82-96.
-Winter, D.A: Electromyogram recording, processing, and normalization: Procedures and considerations; J.Human Muscle Performance, Vol.1, No.2, 1991, pg. 5-15.
-Duchêne, J; Goubel, F: Surface electromyogram during voluntary contraction: processing tools and relation to
physiological events; Crit.Rev. Biomed. Engin. Vol.21, No.4, 1993, pg.313-397.
-Kellis, E; Baltzopoulos, V: The effects of normalization on antagonistic activity patterns during eccentric and concentric
isokinetic knee extension and flexion; J.Electromyogr. Kinesiol. Vol.6, No. 4, 1996, pg.235-245.
-Oberg, T: Muscle fatigue and calibration of EMG measurements; J.Electromyogr.Kinesiol. Vol.5, No. 4, 1995, pg.239-243.
-Potvin, J.R; Bent, L.R: A validation of techniques using surface EMG signals from dynamic contractions to quantify
muscle fatigue during repetitive tasks; J.Electromyogr. Kinesiol. Vol.7, No. 2, 1997, pg.131-139.
-Clarys, J.P; Cabri, J: Electromyography and the study of sports movements: a review; J.Sports Sci. Vol.11, 1993, pg.379-448. (good article)
-Bartlett, R: Electromyography; In: Introduction to Sports Biomechanics, E&FN Spon, Londen, GBR, 1993, pg.229-253.(good book)
-Moritani, T; Muro, M; Nagata, A: Intramuscular and surface electromyogram changes during muscle fatigue;
J.Appl.Physiol. Vol.60, No.4, 186, pg.179-185.
-Basmajian, J.V(Ed.): Biofeedback. Principles and practice for clinicians; Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, USA, 1989.(good book)
-Cram, J.R; Kaman, GS Introduction to surface electromyography; Aspen Publishers, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA,1998.(good book)
-Ferdjallah, M; Wertsch, J.J: Anatomical and technical considerations in surface electromyography; Phys.Med.Rehab.
Clin.North Am. Vol.9. No.4, Nov.1998, pg.925-91.
-Jurrell, K.C: Surface EMG and fatigue; Phys.Med.Rehab.Clin North Am. Vol.9, No.4, Nov.1998, pg.933-947.
Problems with surface EMG: not all muscles can be measured, e.g. deep muscles like iliopsoas are problematic.