Linford Christie's Training Philosophy

i do remember hauling something in the neighbourhood of 170kg cleans…

Talking of Linford he has a new website…

Wonder if it will be a success?

150 was his max

5x320 Kg would be amazing if it wasn’t total nonsense.
The best squat (90 Kg class) at this years IPF world championships was 330 Kg (one rep in full gear). The world record is 375 Kg (he could just about beat that if it were true).
Those guys are more like 5’ 6’’, and not 6’ 2-1/2’’.
My friend only had a 424 lb comp squat, but he easily did 1/2 reps of 10x495 lb in nothing but shorts…

Linford hardly squatted below 1/4 squat. So that may explain the numbers.

Yeah, his group rarely went deeper than that. Late in his career, Darren stopped squatting as he felt he was getting no further benefit, he squatted 280kg 1/4 squat. Linford said he did 310kg to me, but needed a belt for that!!

Linford Christie in that picture is 46 years old i beleave, it’s from while back. Linford Christie is now 47 years old and still in immense shape.

what is the highest you guys have heard of someone squatting with no belt, no nothing just shoes and shorts?

around 800
Here is an actual 320kg full raw squat. Performed by a bulgarian olympic lifter. Linford had to be 1/4 squatting like mentioned.
Here’s 325kg for 5 reps, but look at the size of him.
All I’m saying by posting these videos is that, if you can full squat 700+ pounds raw, you’ll usually look like you can.

I saw him a few times down here in florida. He came down with christian malcom whom he is caoching. He is very much still cut up. He came down for some training in orlando for a few weeks. In fact seemed like a lot of brits came down to train. He got into an argument with an official at the univ of central florida meet. It was funny to hear his accent get all rilled up.

Was this at the NTC?? Cos I came out there for 3 weeks earlier in the year with Tim Benjamin and Rhys Williams. Good set up there! Yeah UKA had that as a sort of warm weather camp. Linford originally intended to go back to Arizona, but due to politics ended up having to go to Florida.

Yea I saw him at ntc then at ucf the next week. In fact I raced christain at the ntc meet.

Yes you are correct according to one of Linford’s training partners they squatted only 1/4 squats at that weight.

That’s still a very impressive feat.

Quick question for anyone who saw him training down in Tampa: Were the hurdle hops two legged or one legged?

I can assure you that Linford never got anywhere near a 170kg power clean, or indeed 320kg to full powerlifting depth. I think there’s some serious Chinese whispers going on!

Linford trains occasionally at Brunel University in West London at the same time as the British weightlifting development squad (including some of my close friends). Apparently, his form is pure rope - practically a muscle clean.

I know from first hand observation that Colin Jackson’s best clean was around 145 and I’ve heard him and Linford were very similarly matched in that exercise.

This thread serves only to prove what you can do inspite of poor training.

I hear tons of stories about awesome lifts by track guys but everything I see with my own eyes ends up being WAY less than I hear in stories (unless they are a thrower).

In an old tape, still available through Italian track federation, I saw him using not so bad form…the images were from 92 -93, but coach said he got considerably stronger…in the neighbourhood I gave you…for the form…if they haul the weight explosively…who cares if do not rack perfectly…and I do tell you as an OL coach and athlete…afterall…it is not so important ( in the sametap also Campbell was displaying good form…but maybe memory is fading since I do not know were my tape is…)

How can I get this tape?

Not Chinese whispers my friend. I don’t know about full power lifting depth but it was definitely down to bench depth. At that point he decided it was too much and wasn’t really helping on the track.

In later years his guys only 1/4 squatted as reported. Darren was still squatting in 2006.

You’re correct about cleaning technique. In 2005 he was cleaning ~ 130kg and was all over the place. Big twist and backwards step as it got heavy. He did say he’s cleaned substantially higher than that though. Still 130 is pretty huge when you’ve not been really training for a long time. Darren’s form wasn’t too bad - but there was no double pull, just straight up from the ground, to rack 140, and he claimed Linford was much stronger.

Something you have to take into account when you’re talking about this group is that they sent a huge amount of time in the gym compared to other groups. 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hrs a day in a competitive environment will get you pretty damn strong.