Leg weights

You are miss-interpreting me. I’m not talking about ‘pause holds’. I’m not talking about isometrics. I’m not talking about creating strength in sticking points.

I’m talking about RESTING between repetitions.
Not PAUSING. RESTING. Doing nothing at all. RESTING. And then doing another repetition.

When you REST (e,g. do NOTHING), between repetitions, the next repetition can be performed with more power than if u didnt rest between reps. Your fast twith fibers are able to fire more powerfully, than when the work is preceeded by other work.

This has got nothing to do with what you are talkign about. You are talking about isometrci pauses between concentric and eccentric work. What you are talking baout is building strength in sticking points.

You are actually discussing the absolute opposite point to what I brought up.

I’m talking about doing nothing between reps. Rest in the standing position (REST! e.g; NO WORK), for about 3 to 5 seconds, and then lower the bar, and without pausing, squat back up again. And then REST, in the standing psotion for several seconds before your next rep.

The REST, prevents your fast twitch fibers trying to adjust to behaving like intermediate twitch fibers, because they are not being constantly worked, because of the REST between reps.

Many strength coaches, including Charles Poliquin have said this is a superior way of training the fast fibers. (And better than pausing in an isometric position, where the fibers don’t get any rest.)

The REST between reps method is NOT about building strength in the resting position. You can’t build strength when resting. But you can allow the fast fibers some down time before their next big push. That’s the point.

Where-as if you hold isometricly in a parralel position (not what i would recomend), you are thining the envelope too much and not getting high ‘peaks’ and rests in between.

I don’t mean to rant at you, but I want you to understand what I meant.


crap morning, still limping on my foot from operation I had,… gonna take a chill pill.