learning sprint mechanics

I have a paper to write for motor integration about learning proper sprint mechanics. Can someone explain to me the role of the CNS, proprioception, vision, and arousal has in optimizing sprint mechanics/time. Also, specifically how fatigue (muscular and/ CNS fatigue) effects/alters running mechanics and how this can impact the learning curve. I know this stuff is in here somewhere and I read a post here not to long ago about perception but there are many post to cover and I am hard pressed for time right now. If someone could direct me to some threads it would be much help.

I guess a better question would be is how do these things influence the learning curve for someone learning proper sprint mechanics and what can be done to shorten the learning curve. I know thats pretty vague but any input would help.


Juan i think the fastest way an athlete can learn about sprint mechanics is by studying videos of lewis,cason etc and applying the movements into your sprinting.by learning the basic movements you will be able to identify exactly what you are doing and how you can address it.

if i were you i’d take myself down to houston and watch the uh team work out.get talking to head coach burrell and AC kyle tellez,maybe if you’re lucky you’ll bump into tom tellez.video these guys running and you’ll notice that they all run smoothly,its the first duty of call

An investment in time with the CFTS manual and 2002 Forum Review should also provide some coverage on your subject. Given the, USATF and IAAF affiliates’ lexicons, the above mentioned have provided discussion of many recognized concepts perceived and utilized in sprinting mechanisms to-date.

What is not diagrammed or illustrated, can be sketched out and made to form a working model. It won’t be long before this year’s threads become an addenda with the aforementioned Forum Review. At the very least, it serves as a good back pocket source (handheld!) if you do observe the workings of elite athletic efforts.

That wouldn’t happen to be Dr. Beehler class would it?