Lactate Threshold Training

KK, you are too kind. To go 46.92s is a long way from DC’s 44.38s so I think you are well and truly still the man on this thread…

When we can take down the disgraceful NZ record of 46.09s I’ll be happy, but if we ever get to low 45. or hopefully sub 45s then and only then will I feel like I am starting to maybe understand the 400m a little better…

Maybe a gofast, KK 400m seminar / workshop might be the go then? :wink:

I’m guessing to cope weights are not a great priority? Day 2?

So the L-S SE is that on day 5 as well? Or have you done / considered doing that S-L?

KK, all I’ll say is that late March in Dunedin can be like late March in Melbourne. It can be sensationally good but it can also be rather inclement. Enough said.

I have the weights on day 1 and day 4 (the short speed/max vel days) to hit CNS all at one time. I have found that it doesn’t interfere with the SE work the next day. If I felt it did with a particular athlete then I would add it to the SE day instead but I find most athletes struggle to lift very well after hard SE sessions.

The day 2 SE is what I term special endurance II (300-600m) whereas the day 5 session is special endurance I (150-300m) to hit overdistance as well as under distance (which I know KK goes by).

My approach is really built around short to long to develop accel/max velocity and long to short to develop speed endurance/lactate capacity…all ideas tried by many before me I am sure.

The big thing I have found, and a good masters project (not done by me) supported this well, is to focus on developing the max vel, that’s where I think there are big gains can be made for many athletes in the 400m. Improve their max vel so essentially they can run at high velocities in the first 200m without using up too much energy. Then when the race starts at the water-jump they can kick hard and be charging home.

come on, that could be Dunedin any time of year :rolleyes:

My hs teams season starts monday. In the past years my 400 crew ran strong 300 paces butciuldnt finish races.

My plan is to try a shortened version of kk s template.

Wk 1
M 8x 150
T Long hills
W slow jog
TH race model
F long hills

Week 2
T jog
W Tempo
TH 2x 300+150
F Jog

Week 3
M long hills
T Tempo
W Racemodel
TH jog
F 300 + 4x60; 250+3x 60; 200+2x60; 150+60

Wk 4
M 300+60 50,40,30; 200+…; 150+…
T race model
W jog
TH 300+150;150+150;100+80;80+60;60+60
Fr Long hills

Week 5
M 300+150 time trial
T tempo
W Off
Th Meet
F jog

Im excited to see what happens. 3 runners have good fitness coming in. All are seniors. One female ran 64 last year, looking to run under 60. One male ran 52, looking to break 50 and set the school record. Will update as time goes on…

Inthe end of the second week of the template.

I had to make changes in week 2. The athletes were pretty stiff and sore. Yesterday’s 3x4x150 workout was so much better than the first day we did it only 10 days ago.

So far happy with progress. Can’t wait to see where things go in the coming weeks.

Alex Jordan of Tasman was outstanding in the senior 400m winning in the third fastest time by a New Zealander of 46.40s. :cool:

Out of curiosity, how is it that you get them every day of the week? I’ve never seen a highschool team do that around here.

What do you mean? I coach sprinters 100/200 and now mid distance group 400/800. There are other kids who will run 800 and 400 but who train with the distance group.

How do teams train around your area?

Most schools here do 3 days a week for about 90 minutes. I give some of my better athletes things to do during our non-training days.

Interesting. As far as I know most here do 5-6. Meets begin in mid april. Usually 2 per week until end of may. We still practice on the other days.

Ok may I ask what area is just practicing 3 days a week?

and it was all of the above!

SM 400m

M19 400m

ultimate lactic wall :eek: :o

yikes to the last video!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting these John. Congratulations bigtime for Coach Gofast and his protege Alex Jordan. They are a great team. Pity in many ways that Alex looks set to take up a scholarship at Baylor. Alex also won the NZ National 200m title in 21.3. Whether that is the level of speed coach Hart et al at Baylor can convert into super 400m performance - or dull into mediocrity with excessive long, slow volume - remains the open question.
But no question Gofast and I wish Alex the greatest success on and off the track at Baylor.

Wariner’s Twitter today said he is scheduled for 2x450, but due to 12 hours of filming, he probably won’t get to it…

Yesterday was 200s, waiting for reply on how many he did…

Wariner’s Twitter today said he is scheduled for 2x450, but due to 12 hours of filming, he probably won’t get to it.

Yesterday said he did 200s, waiting for reply on the amount…

Wariner’s Twitter today said he is scheduled for 2x450, but due to 12 hours of filming, he probably won’t get to it.

Yesterday said he did 200s, waiting for reply on the amount…

Wariner’s Twitter today said he is scheduled for 2x450, but due to 12 hours of filming, he probably won’t get to it.

Yesterday said he did 200s, waiting for reply on the amount…


My 400m boy just ran 51.6 in the open 400, and 3 days earlier ran a 50.2 relay anchor leg. He has improved his 200 from 23.7 to 23.3.

Yesterday we did 5x200 in 26 with 200m jog. He made every time. My thoughts are he is not going out hard enough considering his 200 efforts. Thoughts?