Lack of form and speed in last 40m of 100m

Hi everyone was just wondering what peoples thoughts would be on what are the best training exercises or theories on improving the last 40m of the 100m.

I have a fairly good start and a 60m P.B of 6.90 and a 100 pb of 10.71. Seem to be fin until I reach the 60m and feel as though my hip position changes and I have trouble lifting knees up.

Any feedback would be great

Have you talked to your coach about it? and what has he/she said?

My guess is that you need to improve your conditioning… If you are not able to hold your form, then you need to do more tempo and over distance work to improve your work capacity. Depending on your training phase try adding some in-outs at a distance longer than 100m and slowly increase the "in " phase as your conditioning improves

Talk to your coach but the specific issue is speed endurance (and more speed to begin with) over distances 80-150m. Generally you can always benefit from increased conditioning via tempo and low intensity work.

6.90 and 10.71 are exactly same level, were those PBs set at the same period? If yes, i’m not sure if speed endurance is the problem.

Hi PJ, did you have a “table” to check these Predictable performances, or did you work it out using a formula?

In either case, I’d love to see the basis for your understanding. It would be helpful for many to understand where their performance is breaking down (if at all).

The book of computerised running tables was closest I’ve seen to such a guide. What are your thoughts on this list of tables?

here is a mercier calculator, the one for indoors is still “experimental” but i’ve found it to fairly accurate:

Thanks for this. I’m sure it will be of interest to a lot of people, myself included.

It looks like the old Hungarian Scoring Tables, adapted in recent years to become the new IAAF Scoring Tables.

Great for comparing performance levels across events, such as comparing a 100m mark against a shot put mark to see which is of higher quality relative to world standards.

But - unless I missed something - it won’t help with dissecting specific events, such as predicting a 100m end time based on a 60m interval split.

So, for example, if the 60m time projects to be the 100m time someone has achieved, then there really wasn’t an unusual drop-off in standard during the closing 40m. The issue of improving 100m performance comes back to getting faster in the opening 60m.

kk, scroll down a bit on this page to see some tables

YOU’RE TOO GOOD, Goose. Spot on again. I’m sure I’ve seen this coaching booklet by Francis Dick, a great orator and collator of information on all manner of matters coaching in events athletic.

I think it was one of that outstanding series of basic (and some not so basic) soft cover book(let)s put out by the British federation as a guide to coaching. I bought one or more copies and they would be safely stored away - probably never to be found again since we moved house a decade or so ago. lol.

Goose, thanks, that’s a useful grid for predicting performance. It should probably be printed as a stand-alone with a “sticky”.

If someone can post just that grid (with the flying 30 times etc etc), we should see if Uncle Rupert can “sticky” it near the top of at least one of the sprint sections on the forum. I know there will be some dispute about the accuracy of some parametres, but as a rule of thumb it’s still very handy.

Time Trials-hand timed
Competition Performance
(electric timing)
30m from 30m 60m from 150m from 250m from 60m 1 00M200m
Blocks Flying Blocks Standing* Standing*
3.58-3.61 2.48-2.51 6.22-6.27 14.87-14.97 25.47-25.72 6.49-6.53 10.0910.16 20.17-20.32
3.62-3.65 2.52-2.55 6.28-6.33 14.98-15.08 25.73-25.98 6.54-6.58 10.1710.24 20.33-20.48
3.66-3.69 2.56-2.59 6.34-6.39 15.09-15.19 25.99-26.24 6.59-6.63 10.2510.32 20.49-20.64
3.70-3.73 2.60-2.63 6.40-6.45 15.20-15.30 26.25-26.50 6.65-6.68 10.3310.40 20.65-20.80
3.74-3.77 2.64-2.67 6.46-6.51 15.31-15.42 26.51-26.76 6.69-6.73 10.4110.48 20.81-20.96
3.78-3.81 2.68-2.71 6.52-6.57 15.43-15.54 26.77-27.02 6.74-6.78 10.4910.56 20.97-21.12
3.82-3.85 2.72-2.75 6.58-6.63 15.55-15.66 27.03-27.28 6.79-6.83 10.5710.64 21.13-21.28
3.86-3.89 2.76-2.79 6.64-6.68 15.67-15.79 27.29-27.54 6.84-6.88 10.6510.72 21.29-21.44
3.90-3.93 2.80-2.83 6.70-6.75 15.80-15.92 27.55-27.80 6.89-6.93 10.7310.80 21.45-21.61
3.94-3.98 2.84-2.88 6.76-6.81 15.93-16.06 27.81-28.06 6.94-7.00 10.8110.90 21.62-21.88
3.99-4.03 2.89-2.93 6.82-6.87 16.07-16.20 28.07-28.31 7.01-7.06 10.9111.00 21.89-22.09
4.04-4.08 2.94-2.98 6.88-6.93 16.21-16.35 28.32-28.55 7.07-7.12 11.0111.09 22.10-22.30
4.09-4.13 2.99-3.03 6.94-6.99 16.36-16.51 28.56-28.80 7.13-7.18 11.1011.19 22.31-22.50
4.14-4.18 3.04-3.08 7.00-7.05 16.52-16.68 28.81-29.06 7.19-7.25 11.2011.29 22.51-22.72
4.19-4.24 3.09-3.14 7.06-7.12 16.69-16.86 29.07-29.34 7.26-7.32 11.3011.40 22.73-22.95
4.25-4.30 3.15-3.20 7.13-7.19 16.87-17.05 29.35-29.63 7.33-7.39 11.4111.51 22.96-23.19
4.31-4.36 3.21-3.26 7.20-7.26 17.06-17.25 29.64-29.91 7.40-7.46 11.5211.62 23.20-23.43
4.37-4.42 3.27-3.32 7.27-7.33 17.26-17.46 29.92-30.19 7.47-7.53 11.6311.73 23.44-23.69
4.43-4.48 3.33-3.38 7.34-7.40 17.47-17.67 30.20-30.50 7.54-7.61 11.7411.85 23.70-23.95
4.49-4.54 3.39-3.44 7.41-7.50 17.68-17.88 30.51-30.91 7.62-7.71 11.8612.01 23.96-24.27
4.55-4.60 3.45-3.50 7.51-7.60 17.89-18.09 30.92-31.32 7.72-7.81 12.0212.17 24.28-24.64
4.61-4.70 3.51-3.60 7.61-7.70 18.10-18.30 31.33-31.74 7.82-7.91 12.1812.33 24.65-24.98
4.71-4.80 3.61-3.70 7.71-7.80 18.31-18.55 31.75-32.15 7.92-8.02 12.3412.49 24.99-25.30
4.81-4.90 3.71-3.80 7.81-7.90 18.56-18.81 32.16-32.56 8.03-8.12 12.5012.65 25.31-25.65
4.91-5.00 3.81-3.90 7.91-8.00 18.82-19.12 32.57-33.06 8.13-8.25 12.6612.85 25.65-25.99
5.0-5.1 3.9-4.0 8.0-8.1 19.2-19.6 33.1-33.7 8.3-8.4 12.9-13.1 26.0-26.5
5.1-5.2 40.4.1 8.1-8.2 19.6-20.0 33.7-34.3 8.4-8.5 13.1-13.3 26.5-27.0
5.2-5.3 4.1-4.2 8.2-8.3 20.0-20.4 34.3-35.0 8.5-8.7 13.3-13.6 27.0-27.5
5.3-5.5 4.2-4.4 8.3-8.5 20.4-20.8 35.0-35.6 8.7-8.9 13.6-13.9 27.5-28.0
*Timed from first foot contact over start line.
tPosssible inconsistency where there are specialist 60m indoor athletes.

someone with computer skills might be able to format this mass of figures (using into an xl spreadsheet perhaps??) but this is as near as I could manage lifting the goods out of a pdf file.

This is also a link to a page of conversions and calculations for many things athletic:

Not sure if it is of any interest, but if anyone wants the Controls for 400m and endurance controls for 200m
(similar to those for 100 that kitkat posted) i can provide. They are quite interesting.

Yes please do post them los, I have them in a file somewhere at home, they are a good guidline. Many people knock Frank, but he put together some helpful info for coaches when he was with BAAB/BAF.

for sure the 400m “controls” would make a valuable addition to the “lactate threshold” thread in the Fundamentals category (next level up). There’s nothing like a pacing chart in that thread in which the 400m is the primary topic.

Have copied the 100/200 controls onto a spreadsheet, but the file won’t upload onto the thread.

I put it in the Lactate Thread:

I converted the table into xls file if anyone wants it.

Ask and ye shall receive.
Download 100-200mControls.xls