I decided to take the coaching job!
As I’m sitting down to plan out the workouts, not sure where to go just yet, and looking for help regarding the planning.
Our season officially begins March 10. We get two weeks of “conditioning” which comes out to be 5 days because of school days off etc prior to March 10.
We have 5 weeks from March 10 until the first meet. At this stage, there will be two meets a week for the remainder of the season (Tuesday and Saturday).
After hours of reading on the forum, I had initially decided on doing a S-L, with longer SE runs similar to what PJ seems to be writing about with Olu and Ronald.
For the HS kids, I like longer SE, but shorter accels, for the simple fact many of the kids will run a mix of 100, 200 and 400 in meets throughout the year, as I don’t know who will excel in each event. Also, with the amount of meets, I feel those early SE days should help with the meet volume and intensity…
Weight room will be hard, so I think I will stick to a few lifts, and focus on bench and squats (some of the guys can clean, but most don’t know how yet).
Comments, suggestions are highly welcome
Here is a template of what I had planned
Week of 2/24-3/3: GPP
Monday: Resisted sprints, MedBall, UB Wts
Tuesday: Jumps, tempo, LB wts
Wed: Off (school issues)
Thursday: Same as Tues
Fri: Same as Mond, plus tempo at the end
Week of 3/10 (First week of official practice)
Monday: Resisted, MB Accel, jumps, LB wts
Tues: Tempo, UP Wts
Wed: Resisted, MB Throws, LB Wts
Thursday: Tempo, UB Wts
Fri: Resisted, MB Accel, Jumpsm, LB Wts
Week of 3/17 (Wk 4): Hi Vol: ~1600m
Monday, resisted, Starts (push up & high), LB Wts
Tues: Tempo, UB Wts
Wed: Resisted, Accels, Speed 2x(3xEFE20m), LB wts
Thur: tempo, UB wts
Fri: Resisted, Accels, LB Wts
(Should I add a SE session this week?)
Week of 3/24 (wk 5): HI Vol~2000
Mon: Accels, SE (60m), Squat, bench =Wts at this point
Tuesday: Tempo,
Wed: Accels, speed, Wts
Thurs: Tempo
Fri: Accels, SE (2x300), Wts
Week of 3/31 (Wk 6): HI vol ~2000
Mon: Accel, speed, Wts
Tuesday: tempo
Wed: Off, school day
Thursday: Accel, SE (2x300), wts
Friday: Tempo
Week of 4/7 (wk 7): Chhnge to 2 days Hi, 3 days Lo, HI vol ~1500
Mon: Tempo
Tues Accel, SE (300, 250) Wts
Wed: Tempo
Thurs: Accel, Speed, wts
frid: Tempo
Week of 4/14 (wk 8): HI vol ~1300
Mon Tempo
Tuesday: MEET (treat as a SE day using opens and relays, around 700-900m (100, 200, 400) total work as a guide…too much too soon???)
Thursday: Accel,Speed, Wts
Friday: Tempo
Week of 4/21 (wk 9): HI Vole ~ 1200
Mon: tempo
Tuesday: Meet
Wed: tempo
Thur: Accel, Speed (3x60, 150), wts
Fri: tempo
Saturday: Meet
Week of 4.28 (wk 10): Hi vol ~ 1200
Mon: tempo
Wed: Tempo
Thur: Accel, speed (3x60, 120), wts
Friday: Tempo
Satu: meet
Week of 5/5 (wk 11): HI vol 1200 ~
Mon: Tempo
Tues: meet
Wed: tempo
Thur: accels, Speed (3x60, 120), wts
Fri: tempo
Sat: Meet
Comp Period beings
Week of 5/12 (wk 12):
Mon: Tempo
Tues: Meet
Wed: Tempo
Thurs: Accel, speed (2x60, 80), Bench for Saturday
Fri: Tempo
Sat: Meet (Regionals, top 2 in each event go to state finals in 2 weeks. Thisis a big meet)
Week of 5/19 (wk 13):
Mon: tempo
Tues: League meet
Wed: Tempo, Bench for Fri
Thur: Off
Fri: County meet
Week of 5/26
Mon: Tempo, Last squat day
Tues: Accel, speed (1x60), bench
Wed: Tempo
Thursday: Accel, Speed, (1x60), bench for sat
Friday: Off
Saturday: State finals