Krasnayafleur's training

I am trying to do circuits and tempo types of things that I wasn’t doing during the season… a lot of it is track and running related, but I hope it qualifies as active rest in some form because if I stop doing stuff I will freak out. What I really should do is swim, but I’ll have to see what happens with getting back to a gym- I need to lift again as well, it’s been at least what… 3 weeks? And the lifting I was doing was really light stuff for speed. It sounds stupid, but I am really scared of getting fat which is why I don’t rest very much.

My father told me I need to get a second job so that I can working at least 30-40 hours a week (I work at my current job only something like 25 hours.) I said that training was my second job… hahaha what a mistake that one was.

My back sort of aches but it has been a LONG time since i have felt it… my chiro works magic.

I went for a long walk last night to get out some soreness, might either do a longer run or a circuit today.

today continued…
I went against my own advice and went out for a long run which did not go well. I couldn’t really get into the rhythm and keep the pace and my quads were sore, so I struggled through 35 minutes then was like, screw doing core, and stretched really well and came home.


off day. :eek:

was standing at work for a couple hours then did some lifting for the first time in a while… the phase 3 stuff doesn’t count because that is all fast and very light. started off with some core, then:
-bench @ 75, 3 down, 2 hold, 1 up
-dynamic bench… a crazy thing with bands on the bar, jesus christ
-tri’s @60-60-70-70
-dips… another one that is tough for me, but I did some- not going all the way down

I guess if I’m not going to be running I should just stay off my feet totally and maybe I can get my ankle back on track, it’s been doing a bit better lately.


yesterday did an hour of pilates which was awesome, and then shrugs, pullups, RR and biceps strip sets.

woke up this morning sore sore sore…

my best friend asked me last night if I’m anorexic- apparently this was the rumor around school. I was like honestly… I just ate everything in your house in one sitting and you think I don’t eat! I mean, I am thin but I am not THAT thin.

Interesting day-

-did box jumps both with and without a sandbag
-back to CLEANS! I was pretty sure that my 1 rep max was 100lbs, but now that I am looking back I can’t find anything higher than 95 on my lifting sheet… so if I did 100 it must have been once at most. soooo my coach was like, hi: 105 lbs, 8 sets of 2 reps. This was an experience of a certain variety… my legs felt fine, but near the end I was having a LOT of trouble getting under the bar and on the last one had to go all the way to the ground to catch it. BUT a PR is a PR.

This is the third day that I have not gone running, and I actually haven’t been walking either. I haven’t really been on my ankle at all except for work, and it is feeling a lot better. I should have just rested in the beginning, but I am dumb and stubborn. :o

My father didn’t bring up the idea of a second job again, I think I am in the clear and maybe now I can stop being in high stress mode when I am at home.

My final observation of the day was food- I kept track of what I ate, and I feel like it was not really very much. This is not typical, I feel like I usually eat more, but then again I don’t normally track everything I eat, I just make sure that it is all as clean and healthy as possible.

12-ish oz. orange juice
1 yogurt (some organic, fat-free stuff that is really good)
1/2 bell pepper
-did my workout-
ate a balance bar at work- pretty small, about 200 cals
pint of chowder w/1 small roll (ahhh it’s bread :eek: ) and like… 2 stalks of asparagus
and of course water throughout the day…

How many calories is that total? It doesnt seem like much at all.

this represents ROUGHLY 1,000 cals, possibly (and probably) a bit more.

certainly not enough…
but who wants to eat a lot when it is hot out? eurgh

That really doesn’t sound like enough food (in my opinion). I did the same thing when in high school, I was a hurdler/sprinter (okay it was just after the earth cooled but I can get flashbacks from time to time).
I would think you would need more protein & a recovery drink after w/o. Especially good if it’s hot & you don’t want to eat. I still hate eating breakfast so I always have a pro drink w/ soymilk, pro pwdr, fruit. Biotest Surge is a post w/o drink I am using & notice a big difference.
Don’t be scared of food… it’s your fuel.
High school can suck at times… I was so harrassed because of my muscular legs (I was a speed skater before track) that I was anorexic then bulemic (can’t even remember how to spell it!). But keep in mind your goals & leave the BS behind.
Best bet is to start educating yourself on nutrition & never stop. I am still learning & I am one of the few dinosaurs that made it thru the ice age. You body’s requirments will constantly change but if you don’t fuel it, it will not recover from you training & the next thing you know you are sitting on the sidelines… & your posts show you want to achieve your goals.
Good luck & keep learning.

thanks for the input djp… for several years i have had a problem with eating, but I don’t think it has really been severe enough to be termed a full-fledged eating disorder. I used to be obsessed with counting calories and not eating more than 1,000 and exercising for like… 3 hours a day. I have improved over the past couple of years though and I really understand that i have to eat and now I eat very well, it just becomes harder in the summer with the pressure to be thin at the beach and the heat cutting my appetite.

Unfortunately for all my conciousness about it, my food intake today has been pretty similar-
-yogurt, balance bar, 1/2 cucumber, some asparagus, some raisin, nut, and wheat cereal after my workout… dinner is yet to come.

Work has partly been mixing things up a bit, because normally when I am home during the day I can prepare myself better meals, but I work at different times each day and I am too scared of processed food to eat too much that isn’t prepared by myself at home. Honestly, my nutrition during school was awesome, I used to come home in the middle of the day and fix myself salmon and these really well-balanced meals…

But anyway, today:
-shoulder press
-max dips for four sets
-pushups 4x4 with a 4 down, 4 hold, 4 up count
-dumbbell bench

I have been sore all week, but it is a good kind of sore. I am pumped about the cleans yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

I completely understand your place right now.
Try this… in the morning I make 2 (or it can be 3) protein drinks at once. Split them up in closable containers so you can grab one on the way out the door. Even take a cooler if it will be a while before you can drink them. It is better than no food & is something cold on a hot day.
The pressures you speak of are all too familiar regardless of age (hell, I’m probably your mom’s age but I still am competeing in sports so…) but your goals are important so you have to fight to keep those in mind. I messed my metabolism up so bad at your age that it took 2 years to have it that I could eat semi normal without gaining weight. So, in the end you cause the problem you are trying to avoid.
1,000 cals is not enough… I did that too but that is what caused the metabolic probs. Slowly increase them so you don’t freak out. You also need to get a recovery drink w/ carbs& pro (Like Surge) I am sore & tired from training now too due to the time of the training cycle I am in but I would be dragging if I wasn’t religiously taking the stuff within 15 mins of training session. Please try it. You are asking your body to do a lot & it needs to recover to do it again the next day. Also, start looking into your supplemtns (are you taking any?)
I hope all of this helps. I wish I had a forum like this when I was in your position.
Good luck & stay healthy!

My body is really sore from lifting all week and my ankle was a little cranky yesterday, so I am not really doing anything today apart from some core. I’ve been instructed to take the weekend as well, not doing anything more than tempo (not running.) Come sunday it will have been a week since I have taken a run… very few people could have convinced me to take this kind of time off, but someone has managed to do it :cool:

I think starting this weekend I will take advantage of the public pool right behind my house, and also finalize my summer membership with the gym that is about 5 minutes away. I’m excited for that because not only do they have a new weight room, but they also have pilates which I want to incorporate more of, I can do water running and swimming inside, and I can get massage/manual/water therapy for half price. Free sauna and steam room as well, even though I have to read up on when exactly to use them.

djp, thanks for the advice… I am doing the best that I can. I just got a salmon crepe from the place down the street, I am going to cry when I go to school and I am stuck with school food! I am really paranoid of processed or mass-produced foods :eek: I have been spoiled by the healthy food in my house and it will be a hard adjustment.

As far as supplements go, I am not taking any. Not by choice, but because my parents had an epic battle with me over ZMA… they really mistrust anything more than vitamins, they think everything is a steroid. I could very easily get my own supps at this point, but it is almost worth it to me just to wait until the fall. I’m not totally sure where I would start, either. I am thinking that I want to get some bloodwork done to see just what needs to be done for me, I am especially interested in iron. I had an iron deficiency when I was little, and now the only meats I eat are seafood and chicken… there are other sources of course but I could probably benefit from a basic iron supplement, especially considering I haven’t had a period since january.

Despite everything, I am much happier than I was a week ago :slight_smile:

Surge is good but some here have questioned the need for the amount/type of carbs it supplies PW and whether they are necessary. What DJP says is good sense - check out clemsons site or some of the posts by nightmare4d - or better still ask them personally about ur calorific/dietry needs.

It’s unbelievable how bad some college food is - my uni is very much sports ed orientated and the food is not only unhealthy it tastes rank too.

7 hours of work= aching ankle= being smart and not trying to push the issue.

One of my coworkers asked me if I have been losing weight, and when I said I didn’t think so she said it looked like I had. I don’t think I have lost more than 2-4 lbs, maybe it was just what I was wearing or something.

I think I need to resist posting about this besides asking dietary questions, because the more I obsess over it the more stressed I will get and to no productive end.

I am still a little sore from all the lifting this week, mostly in the bi’s and tri’s, it is worst in my left bicep- very painful. Otherwise, the legs are feeling good, shin problems have evaporated, the ankle on the whole is improving. Another few days and I will be itching to train again- I really miss running already.

Kra, I have a mate that does hurdles and his ankle is also in really bad condition, however his is from hitting the hurdles, so I gues you can be kinda happy. His ankle the maleolus actually, that little bit of bone sticking out to the side of each one of the shin bones, has actually stopped being bone and become a type of fibrous tissue. Translation = take care of your ankle!!!

And don’t worry too much about your weight, so long as your eating well, eating enough and supps are ok ignore what people say, 'cos most have no idea about athletes bf levels and mass distribution.

ewwww that does not sound like a pleasant injury…
My sophomore year i used to hit hurdles constantly and I doubled hurdle races- I had bruises to the bone, and even now I don’t like to have it touched! (it is the same ankle, of course :rolleyes: )

But I just iced like a good girl, only 5 hours of work tommorow, perhaps I will live!

Hi Kras…
regarding supps… it is unfortunate that the marketing of them is usually geared to gym muscle heads so the manufacturers feel the need to put “anabolic” & words as such to makes them sound more steriod-like. Some hockey players I know were worried about ZMA for that reason but it’s Zinc, Magnesium & B!
Clemson & nightmare4d are so knowledgable… nightmare got my vits straightened out (& suggested Surge) & I am recovering amazingly well from w/o’s. He helped find what was good for me. Please ask them directly as they will give you more info that is geared to you than a book or marketing pamphlet.
Don’t obsess about the eating just keep thinking of it as fuel & remember your goals. It’s unfortunate that people always think that is their right to comment on other’s weight… up or down. I had to get used to, at age 20, to have people treat me like gold when I was 6%bf (for bodybuilding at the time… my sport after sprints/hurdles) & like crap when… oh my god… I was 15%. The motivation of others is usually a mystery to those on the recieving end of the comments but you have to keep that in mind.

I have not gone running for a full week. Besides being on my feet at work this weekend, I haven’t done much at all… probably not a bad thing.

I think I will do a little core then eat my pepper and ice my ankle :smiley:

So where are you workin’ kra?? you have to run around too much at work??

I work at a sports store, and since I usually do not do registers I don’t get to stand around much… always walking and doing stuff. After about the 3-4 hour mark it starts to get a bit tiring for the next 3 or 4 hours… but I guess it is worth the discount on training gear!