Krasnayafleur's training #2

hey thanks :smiley:

my intense 4-day-5-night-long bender has caught up with me and I am feeling under the weather… had to come home from the office. When my heart rate reached 100 bpm I told me boss I had to go home to take a nap. I had been planning on running today too :mad:

zenoth- thanks for the input, you seem to understand the situation pretty well! I am opening this up to suggestions for tempo workouts, I am curious to see sample of what other people do. My repetoire of this stuff is limited since we tended to do the same couple of tempo workouts (at least running-wise) so if you have something that is fairly high volume and feels nice… give it to me!

I have access to bikes, ellipticals, grass, and I can take the metro to a track. Getting into the pool is a much bigger production.

Well what we generally did with me last summer after my body clearly stated no more racing. I took like 6 days off first. Then we did 4 days a week of tempo
which where charlies standard tempo
50m walk bt reps 100m walk bt sets and not more then 65% We’d very the distance slightlu but kept it at higher volume to try and just flush the entire body.
I’d do some LIGHT speed workouts mon wed saturday Which where like
maybe 4x30
2x60 type stuff but really focused on teqnique and arms. Then after doing that for about 4 weeks we took a few weeks of jsut doing heavy lifting then went into are fall GPP
I could post some lifting examples or email you them if you’d like unless u’ve got a program to follow. But we generally stayed away from bike elliptical etc cause its a complete different exercise type your a runner u’ve gotta stay within that area!

thanks, i will try it!

i actually ended up napping, eating some carbs which i have been neglecting, and then going for a half hour calm run around the capitol to think and relax a bit. it was quite nice in the twilight.

more tempo… lemme have em :wink:

i like using 100, 200, 300, 400 x1, 2, or 3

i personally like fewer reps

fitness circuits can also be helpful…like
10x(20sec burpee + 5 rows, 30 off, 20 sec mountain climbers + 10 sec push ups, 30 off)

or a lighter one with no rest…

20x(5 push ups + 5 squats + 5 rows + 20 ab reps)

You can always vary tempo, I woulnd’t do stupid burpee’s or anything they have no real functional use!
What i’d do is like one set
25 pushups 50 crunchs 10 standing sqauts
and do that after every set and just keep increasing the number> we did this to try and get my work capacity upoverall cause I had major bench issues at the start. But a few other tempo variations are
2x5x200(65% remember!!!)
I’ve got a wordpad file somewhere!

Had a proper tempo day :smiley: dragged my butt to the track after work-

-WU, short sprint drills
took zenoth’s workout exactly:

50m walk btw reps, 100m walk btw sets. I brought my watch along for the first couple sets, because I figured that 65% would be roughly 20s and 40s. I was more like 15 and 35-36 (in shoes) so I was a bit quick- it was warm out and I got excited :stuck_out_tongue: I ditched the watch after two sets and just went by feel, focusing on extra-good form and getting some good work in.

after that:
-10min core circuit
-1 lap easy CD barefoot in grass
-long, thorough stretch

finally a session done as it should be. I’m feeling good. :slight_smile:

You basically want to be able to be breathing a bit hard. Course if you want to make it harder after each set before your 100m walk do pushups crunches and standing sqauts! I did that one for 2 months killer but its quite affective. I got up to like 400 pushups uhh 100 sqauts and a ridiculous amount of crunches per workout. Quite satisfying. Also the pushups helped with benchpress work capacity!

:eek: goodness

:slight_smile: good stuff!

i am about to go for an easy run and quick core- i don’t have quite enough time to make it to the gym before i have to go to work.

i have been drinking for eight straight nights in a row. :eek:

maybe time to rein it in kra ;).

haha thats quite the binge. If you dont have time to go to the gym you could try depletion pushups. You do as many as you can till failure and then wait 90 seconds and go again maybe 4 sets. Then just do standing sqauts and a ab circuit, that will supplement you for days you miss the gym, and contribute work capacity stuff at the same time.

9 nights in a row. it does not help that i live with freakin alcoholics- as we speak, one of my roommates is passed out on the floor of the kitchen, and one is on his second or third bottle of wine, which he buys every day because he drinks it like a fish EVERY NIGHT. crazy. I have not been drinking myself into oblivion each night, but last night was one of those nights… i was totally destroyed. i went for a long walk today after work to reflect on my life :rolleyes: we’ll see if tonight becomes #10.

training-wise i have been doing general strength and core circuits in my house when i don’t have time to get to the gym. not totally optimal, but better than nothing.

Haha damn, I thought my 5 days in a row last summer was a lot… What are you drinkin? Are you gettin trashed everynight or what? I gotta have a break here and there now… Just feel like shit if I dont…

took a one-day break, then last night went back to it. I am definitely not getting trashed every night, I would pretty much be dead by now! Some nights I only have a couple drinks with my housemates which isn’t a huge deal, some nights I drink more but not out of control, and maybe once a week actually get wasted. I generally avoid beer and stick to liquor.

Having said that, I was not a huge drinker during the school year and I’m sure it’s not doing anything great for me now besides stress relief… I was pondering this at 7:30am this morning as I dragged myself home.


yeh thanks for the call back too…

please restrict personal notes of this nature to PM’s or other means… thanks

it is really windy and hot and beautiful out, it’s about to storm. I love to run whenever it’s like that, so I went out for a pretty fast-paced half hour until the asphalt started to not feel great on my lower legs. Got back here and did a quick strength circuit: 10 pushups, straight to 20 crunches, straight to 9 pushups+ 19 crunches etc down to 1 and 10.

It is hard getting motivated to go work out by myself, but once I get moving I always get so happy and feel better- I suppose that should be motivation in itself.

This has been and I suppose still is one of my worse nervous breakdowns… during the year I have always been very focused, working out really hard, eating clean, getting sleep, PLUS doing lots of the little things to make myself better. Last summer I worked out quite a lot because I was working only part-time and I got REALLY skinny, and I sort of wish I could do that again. It is so strange to me that there are sometimes days that I don’t get some kind of workout in.

As it is now, I am drenching myself in caffeine during the days, and I have been drinking alcohol for 11 out of the past 12 nights in varying amounts. Two of those nights were blackout amounts. I have been smoking when I get anxious or drunk, which I haven’t done in years. I haven’t slept in my own apartment in 3 or 4 nights and I’ve been averaging 3-4 hours a night for 6 out of the past 7 nights. My weekend job is not in the nicest area, and they have to have our security guy on duty whenever I’m working because I get harrassed by customers. I have blatantly been offered jobs to strip and to be in porn… :cool:

Yet when you put it all together, it is pretty damn fun… I suppose it is an experience. I keep telling myself that i will get back on track with the lifting I am supposed to be doing, and now that it is almost july I need to kick myself a bit or have someone else kick me and make me focus. Then again, after the year that I just had at school, maybe this is what i need- a break from it all. I don’t know, it seems more like self-destruction.

Anyway, I think I have one (1) piece of chicken in the fridge and maybe a couple eggs, and I have no idea when I’m going to find the time or $$ to get more food. Living in this area is sooo expensive, I have to admit that making some extra cash on the side would be a relief. I am working myself to exhaustion by working two jobs and not giving myself a day off… because i am superwoman :smiley:

Really if you mental need some undelgences time its not un-healthy just dont get to overwhelmed in the fun times and loose sight of whats important. If u do keep drinking just try and keep those tempo runs up and some sorta strength to prevent any longeterm losses I know the feel of wanting to just quit life and “ride in the clouds” lol its great but really in the end what does it get you? I just always when I go out for fun remember the satisfaction track and what I do in track offers me.


sound advice…

i got about 10 hours of sleep night before last and it felt sooo nice… i think i get depressed when i get sleep-deprived.

i have been keeping up with core/general strength circuits when i can’t get to the gym, plus some long runs and a lot of walking. this weekend is going to be crazy busy, i expect to get to the track maybe on saturday but thats probably it for the rest of the week. lifting is closer to me, it would be good to get some in.

so busy so busy and so broke