Krasnayafleur's training #2

after a hellish drive with no AC, I have arrived in DC!!!

finding the closest track and joining the gym are on the agenda for tommorow.

Good Luck :slight_smile:

shes got me here for support haha

haha right

after walking around for 5 hours i got some stuff done… joined a gym thats a 10 minute walk for cheap, now just need to find an alternative to the asphalt high school track which seems to be the only track in walking distance.

1,000 posts :smiley:

thanks for the sarcasm towards my nice gesture…good day i say!

looong day
started work in congress :smiley: quite interesting, it will be fun and I guess i will learn stuff too. I’m definitely the youngest intern by a few years.

went to the gym later, i am pretty exhausted now. working 9-6 is no joke… and i thought going to more than 2 classes a day was tiring!

treadmill run:
-5 min. wu, 7x 1min on, 1 min off, increasing speed each time up to 9mph, so not quite a sprint
-3x6 cleans, 3x6 squats… my quads felt this really suddenly, I will probably be sore tommorow.
-hams, calves, and core as a circuit
-rolled out on a biofoam then stretched and had my shake

I guess its been longer than i thought since I worked the lifts, it was a little surprising. I guess walking around in heels all day doesn’t help much. I was hoping to be done with work at 5 like a normal office, but I guess the congressman gets to keep whatever hours he likes!

the weather here is pretty much beastly humid and hot as hell. so far i have kept out of trouble, i wonder how long that will last.

legs sore, as predicted. I was pretty tired when I got home after work, I was working on this project allllll day, plus running around the capitol making deliveries.

I was going to head to the gym, but I wasn’t quite sure what I would accomplish… I didn’t want to lift, and I didn’t really want to hop on a machine and fatigue my legs even more, so I did 15 min. core/general strength at 50s on, 10s off, stretched, and I’m leaving it for today.

this weekend I’m going on a mission to find a. a decent track, and b. a cheap(er) grocery store :cool: perhaps ianfrancis will assist me

Hey Kra,

aside from all what happened in that polling thing ( I wish you still have no grodges ). I wanted to ask you something. Why don’t you make some saving and start off a year of full time training and get the B standard and my be start earning your money from sports. Usually the strange and hard ways are the right ones. I’m not tell you do that. I’m just asking, have you ever thought like this. A lot of people can actually do that but then there is this thing in life that keeps us from doing this. May be the fear of what may come. Or may be the fear of not making it. We all know that if we made it then great. But I see that some have the path wide open infront of them and they are close. You seem to be close and you have a good chance. So have you ever thought of that.? Just asking

hey flying,
thanks for the post :slight_smile: It has certainly occurred to me that I could take a year off and train full-time. I have put more and more serious thought into it lately, because knowing how hard I’ve pushed myself and how overwhelmed I have gradually been getting between school and everything else, I could see a burnout coming pretty quick, if it didn’t already happen this year. I would not be the first on my team to do something like that.

Our heptathlete who just graduated was D3 national champion this past season, and was pretty close to the B standard. She holds the school record for the pentathlon, which I broke as a senior in high school. I have (or had) more raw speed than she does and comparable strength, and since most of the events in the hep are speed and power oriented I don’t see why I should perform worse. Technically I am sound. Some time off is very tempting, it’s a matter of whether or not I’d have the guts to go through with it.

and no grudges!

You know what. I saw a lot of great athletes, shawn crowford, torri edwards, jason gardner, carolina cluft,… Well to make it short. I saw all these at the last world indoors. They thing is that I thought I’d see monsters or something great as in the sense of seeing something great. What stund is that they are normal people like us. They eat in the resturant like us. With all the other athletes. They go out and look very similar to us in size as well. ( I found out that the TV is a strange device that makes us look bigger in track meets!! ). There is one difference though. When I was there I was thinking about the time I missed from school, studying what next, etc… etc…, But probably they were clear minds. They were probably thinking about next grand prix and stuff like that and may be a couple days of rest after they go back home. Its because they have nothing else in life to do other than track and field. SO I knew that was the difference between us and them. They are special because they took that decision. I’ve taken this dicision and I’ll start from the 13th. And I might start up journal ( although I’m not very sure ) just to prove to everyone that its the main and may be only difference (if you can support it with some savings. So I’m lucky cause I get ok income from sport already ) so here you are. someone has pushed u a little bit more on the side… ( we have only one life… And when ur in your bed at a very old age dying. You don’t want to say. God I wish I tried. Its better to say God , I tried my best, but it was not meant to be because no one can go against your will.

thanks flying… i will certainly put some more thought into it.

after walking around for a few hours today I located two farmer’s markets, a cheaper grocery store, and most importantly a TRACK! It is at a deaf university nearby. I suppose it is walking distance, it’s about a mile and a half, but there is a metro stop about 10 min. walk away. It is a pretty nice track, too… much better than the asphalt one i saw before. It is not in a very nice part of town though, so I’ll have to be careful deciding when to go. I suppose the best choice would be to go early in the morning, then book it back to the apartment and run off to work at 9 :rolleyes: ughh

I am really happy here though, I am living with great people, have a cool job, and the change of scene is really nice. It’s living up to my expectations in a way that college didn’t.

hauled my ass over to the track… i should have known that doing a workout in the middle of the day was a poor idea! I had to make this shorter than I had planned because it was so hot I started feeling sick.

-full WU, no strides
-3x200 @ 29,32,33 w/2 min. btw
-2x50 accels w/walk-back btw

the whole trip took almost 2 hours. If I’m going to run before work I will have to leave my apartment at 6am :eek: Thankfully the gym where I’m lifting is open until 11pm so I could potentially do everything after work if I can’t drag myself out of bed.

upper lift tonight

you may want to consider doing your accels first potentially with more rest unless you are using it for speed end. rather than accel devel.
Anyhow I would still suggest doing them first.

thanks… given the circumstances I had to improvise a bit, but you’re certainly right.

today spent the hours at a press conference and then doing DATA ENTRY YESSSSSS

afterwards went to the gym and did 15 min. bike, 15 min. core
-then short, sweet, and simple: 3 sets each of chins, bench, RR, and DB bench, then small shake.

It is hard to get motivated, I had forgotten how hard it is to train alone. Time to use that mental resolve :cool: I can’t deny though, after the stress of the year, it is so tempting to sit around with my housemates (mostly over 21) and drink and just unwind. I’ve definitely given in a few times… i suppose worse things have happened.

8 hours of sleep the past two nights combined… first the crazy kid downstairs who caused mayhem by talking about lynching, then just no sleep last night… and probably not much tonight.

also ran around the office for hours yesterday and all day today getting signatures for a letter to the president… wooooo

went to the track yesterday:
-full WU
-2x3x80, 90s btw reps, 3 min btw sets
-1x150 all out. cool down

I made friends with a coach there who was running a track club, so I mayb be able to get my hands on some hurdles. :smiley:

walked around for hours yesterday getting signatures, I walked so fast and for so long that I am actually sore!

starting my second job today so I will be on my feet again. today would have been an ok day to lift, but I went on a massive bender last night and had to sleep it off. my oh my

where is my focus

hehe, sometimes its good to unwind now and again though, espically with all the stress u’ve had all year. Maybe even a week or 2 off to just unwind and let your body recover could be in order.
you dont want to overtrain yourself through the summer and get tired right away in the fall, prehaps just doing weights and getting strong and alot of high volume tempo might be a consideration. After my old coach burned me out last year thats all we spent doing in the summer with my new coach. I skipped tracks outdoors and just lifted like a mofo and did alot of tempo. It sure payed off too.

I do wonder about overtraining in the summer. I don’t have tons of time to haul my ass back and forth to the track constantly so I wouldn’t think it would be an issue, I just worry about losing even MORE speed than I already did this past year. I am not sure how things will work when I go back to school in the fall, because last year I played field hockey during “fall track” and this year I don’t think I will, so it will be new to me. Tempo is easier because I don’t have to go to the track to do it, and weights is not bad either.

I agree maybe it is good for me to unwind and let loose a bit, but I have pretty much been abusing my body lately. I have been drinking for 3 or 4 nights in a row now, minimal sleep, tons of caffeine, and working monster shifts at both my jobs. A guy at my weekend job is also a bouncer at a club (free access in, free drinks, the works for me) and he was talking about getting me ANOTHER job there serving drinks and whatnot for extra cash. Along those lines, I have received even more strenuous offers from the controversial job I mentioned a while back.

haha honestly it is 3:45am, I just got home, and I am getting up in the morning to go to work again. The only upside is that I have probably dropped some weight, and I have been getting to the weight room when possible.

why oh why am i so damn crazy

Hehehe we all gotta live a little. But on that speed point. If your body is already fried your not going to regain any speed you could further fry yourself and then when the fall comes around u’ll still be supressed and just be starting from a negetive anyways. Getting strong and explosive and doing higher volume tempo to keep any weight gains down isn’t nessecarily bad. I mean we worked on my weights and did tempo and 1 speed day for 8 weeks and its given me huge benefits now. I woulnd’t be benching 250 at 160lbs if we hadn’t put those 8 weeks in just letting my body recover and begin the reshaping. I know the rock bottom feeling though oh lord do I!

lol if you ever want to discuss how one deals with training burnout give me a pm i’m always looking to share my tales!

Not crazy… Just slightly neurotic :smiley:

Remember: We got nothing but luv for ya baby :wink: