Knee pointing outwards

When I sprint, especially when tired, my right knee points outward a lot (this evening my coach told me he feared I would dislocate my hip :mad:).
It is an old mistake that I was not able to fix in five years of training.
What can I do? Any tip? A guy who trains with me thinks I need more strenght work, especially on the adductors…

Explain this in further detail. Was there an initial injury? Have you seen a physio? Chiro? ART? etc.

What is an ART?

The mistake emerged as soon as I started track and field more than five years ago. Two years later I had an injury on the same (right) foot: while doing 1/2 squat jumps in the smith machine I had a micro fracture in the scaphoid bone. I still suffer from it. I saw a phisio for the injury, but never to fix the mistake.

I forgot to say my legs are a bit varae: if I place my feet side by side, the ankles bones touching, there is about 1 cm of space between the knees.

My coach continues telling me I must drive the knee in a straight line, but I really can’t control it.

ART (I see you’re in Europe, I’m not sure what the European equivalent is.)

A hands-on exam would probably be best. See who in your area is most recommended as a physio therapist.

That said, how is the flexibility of your glutes? piriformis? psoas? hamstrings? Any tightness in muscles that externally rotate the thigh could be causing what you’re experiencing, as could inhibited internal rotators. Again, a good therapist should be able sort things out.

I never thought to ask a physio, I always considered it as a simple technical problem. I will do it, many thanks.

For what concerns my glutes, hamstrings, psoas, etc, they are quite tight: I need to be well warmed up to touch the floor with the fingers, knees locked. Could PNF be a good way to fix?

Pnf will or should help, esp before training - as would some Foam Rolling and general static stretching at the end of each and every workout.
Also, if you can get your hands on one, a TENS machine.

PNF before training? Many coaches say it is counter-productive, reducing coordination and quickness… (Honestly I do not know Francis ’ opinion about this)

If muscles are so tight that biomechanics are affected and you can’t even come close to full range of motion you probably don’t need to worry about a minute reduction in “coordination and quickness”.

Every CF training video I’ve seen includes both light static and PNF stretching before the workout.

Ok, let’s see what happens. Thanks to all again. :slight_smile:

agreed - if you cannot achieve full range of motion, well, your not really sprinting anyway!
You need a good warm up, including
light running
a few strides
some practice drills
dynamic stretches
static stretches - just to see if in fact you are tight
some med ball throws
maybe some massage
maybe some TENS
maybe some Foam rolling

If you do need the MAYBE’s, then IF you come up good AFTER them, then you can sprint, IF your still too tight, i would consider say, Medball workout or tempo, but no sprinting.

I have this same thing, not very badly but it’s still there. No clue whats the reason behind it, im not really tight or weak anywhere…