joesixpack's log

BP 45x gajillion 85,95,115,135x5, 145,155,165x3, 175x1
circuit of Incline DB, Cable Row, Pull-ups, and bb curl 10-12 reps at each twice through

So life the past few days has just been a smorgasboard of food, sleep and mingle.
in otherwords, holiday fitness hell

so today was more about detoxing than anything else

hipmobility with the smith machine
Squat 185x3x10
GM 135x3x10
DB Bench ss with DB row 3x10 with 45s
pull-ups and shrugs 3 sets
barbell curl and triceps extensions 3 sets
swissball and hypers 4sets of 20 bw each
bike for 20min
static stretch everything

Sunday was the worst hangover of my life
much better today, thank god

CGBP 5x5x135
DBBP 3x5x65
Cable Row 1x8x135, 3x8x150
Pull-ups 4x5
BB Curl 2x10 ss tris 2x12
2 sets L sits

this was very good… with my new hair cut I look like a soft jarhead :slight_smile:

Don’t lose it.

i was on break. the real problem was it was to avoid dealing with an ex.

another very good workout… strange things are afoot.

FSQ 5sx3rx135
DL 3sx5rx225

another very late night… time to nap

been getting plenty of good nap time… i feel this is really helping…
3x300m 90 sec rest 37-38-39 sec…
HLRs 3x5
Weighted sit-ups 2x10
Rotational stuff 1 set

30 pull-ups and dips
50 push-ups and sit-ups
Hammer Military Press 3x10
Lat Pulldown 4x10
Hammer shrug 3x10
csr 4x6
neck 4x10
bb curl 3x12
triceps 3x12
Ab machine 3x10

SQUAT 45,45,95,135,155x5 175,185,205x3, 225x1 235x5,5
45 deg back raises 3x15 w/ 25 plate
funky reverse crunch machine 2x8

sadly, It wasn’t worth me flying in the girl I got into getting in great shape for the event, but I will see her eventually. I do have a nice date though, even if she is only a friend. It’ll be a nice weekend

I will prolly go and do something for 20 minutes… just get the blood moving… bowl a thon, drive to the lake, formal!

I had a very fun/drunk (but not like last week) weekend with my house…
back to work…
2 hours pick-up hoops
then lift
6 supersets 3 repsx135 incline press + 5 chin/pull-ups
3 supersets 12-20 reps x35 pound dbs decline press + 8x120 pound v-bar pulldown
2 supersets 12 reps x 60 pound barbell curls + 12 60 pound tripushdowns (the one where your back is up against something…)
1x20 decline sit-ups 95 pound bar across chest = HARD!

BOO! I don’t want to go workout…
Not that im feeling bad or anything…
its just 15 degrees F outside with wind chill at 2 below!

If I do…
DL 2x5x235
FSQ 6x3x145
hypers and abs…

Well,I did make it out there last night… good god it was cold. Workout was good, deads were solid, but tough, a true grind next week I will get 245x5 sans straps!.. tonight might be a different story…It’s 8 degrees right now, with wind chill at 5 below…
In anycase…
I have some serious writing to be done for both Con. Law and Jurisprudence…plus MCing initiating the freshman tonight… so I might not get to it…

I did want to mention a word about progress… in five weeks of just getting after it I went from nearly getting stapled with 265 to an easy 275 (at least 20 more left) in the squat. Also went from barely being able to pull 235 without straps to 235 for 5 in that time… also up from truly mediocre bench to marginally respectable… all the assistance lifts are up, i look better nekkid and Im faster than I was only a short time ago.
when I started this blog a few months ago, I wasn’t even fit enough to pick up a barbell, so…
moral of the story is just keep working! hard!

Im back home for the weekend, so if I get around to doing anything, I’ll let yall know.

all the assistance lifts are up, i look better nekkid and Im faster than I was only a short time ago.

Joe, just keep up the hard work, build some more muscle, and, before long, you won’t be able to keep the ladies away…they’ll be on you like white on rice. :slight_smile:

oh they already are… I take the best notes in class! (never discount that…)
besides, there’s only one I want, and she knows who she is :wink:

In all seriousness… just found a piece of PVC pipe laying around, took it out to the snow covered hill…
10 rounds of
15 OH squats
Run up snow covered hill
took about 8 minutes.

then came in and did 60 pushups (3x20) and 120 sit-ups.

50 push-ups
100 sit-ups
planks each way

circuit 4 times.
15 push-ups
15 squats
20 sit-ups

100 lunges
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups