It's still all about me

Auto Reg rating

3 x 10m walkback rec
3 x 20m 2 min rec
3 x 30m from 3 point 3 min rec
4 x FEF from 3 point 5 min rec
4 x flying 30m 4 min rec

Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, 70,

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 5r x 80, 90, 3s x 5r x 97
Chins 5 x 5

S/set with 60 sec between reps
Dips 3s x 5r
DB Military press 3s x 5r x 15db
SLDL 3s x 5r x 75

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises


9 :cool:

Auto Reg rating
-4 :o

4.20am is a pig of a time to wake up!

L tempo

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises



man I’m out of condition, reps were in high 60% but not easy. Acknowledged being tired from lack of sleep was a factor but need a lot of conditioning. Calf was a bit tired, as expected, but 4 running sessions in under a week is actually better than I expected.

Auto Reg rating

100m @ 14.49 +3.2
200m @ 31.16 + 5.8


Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, 70,

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 5r x 80, 90, 3s x 5r x 100
Incline DB bench 5r x 22, 25, 3s x 5r x 27

S/set with 60 sec between reps
Military press 3s x 5r x 40
Reverse lunge 3s x 5r x 50
1 arm db row 3s x 5r x 37

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises



Unfuckenbelieveable! I felt fine and good and this is the crap that is produced. Then I go and had a great weights session. I really am struggling to know what to do.

Auto Reg rating

L tempo

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises

80 mins (doesn’t include the time fixing puncture :mad:)



all good :cool:

What’s the plan for next races?

stuffed if I know. :confused:

I have 1 more I can do unregistered and while my times are usually poor this is the slowest I have ever run :mad: Saturday’s efforts in particular were extremely disappointing as I wasn’t expecting them to that bad. Despite that I may well carry on as I enjoy training and would probably do similar to what I need to anyway. So I guess it is a case of sucking it up and carrying on. :rolleyes:

Auto Reg rating

3s x 100+2x50 walkback / 15 mins


9 :cool:

RIGHT thinking and sharing some emails re this I have a plan (but knowing me that could change at any minute :rolleyes:)

Use pre Christmas races purely as training so will add some more volume to warm up or maybe another SE rep of say 150m in before the 100m. That gives me 6. Then we are away on holiday at from Christmas till the 6th. I would then have 5 weeks till Otago Champs.

Pre Christmas

SE (150, 100, 200) & max weights

tempo & bike (I really enjoy that)

SE 3 x 100+ 2x50 or similar on grass maybe moving out to some 400m stuff + exp med ball


accel & max speed & dynamic weights



I am conscious CF says most gains can be made through improving general fitness but am also aware although my calf seems to be pretty well right (95%+) it still causes me more concern as it fatigues rather than short stuff hence the Monday plan. I would like to get to doing say 2 x 300 + 3 x 60 but will take it carefully. Thoughts?

Why this particular order on Saturday’s drills?
How about exp. MB before the drills on Mon?
Lastly, I would keep in mind that the speed day can go on Thursday, too, if some extra rest is needed especially later on.

Enjoy your fishing! :cool:

Thought I would do Saturday’s in that order for 3 reasons

  1. The biggest issue is and will remain my times and the psychological impact from running so poorly. This way I will never really fully expect great times and it will help me keep it in the context of a training day.

  2. Can’t really do it any other order, 100m is first event up and there are other events after the 200m so can do 150m when track is available.

  3. I wonder if my warmup is insufficient so doing the 150m may actually help my other times, sure as hell can’t hurt. :rolleyes:

Re Monday possible but want to keep running as primary focus hence med ball stuff at end.

Probably no fishing just chilling on the beach, swimming, walks and mountain biking :smiley:

walking over 20m
on toes with arm circles
on heels with arm horizontal stretches
butt kicks
Lunge with twist

situp x 10
prone side to side leg twist x 5 each side
prone side of head to feet dynamic stretch x 5 each side
prone above head to legs spread dynamic stretch x 5 each side
lying on front leg lift x 10
donkey kick x 10
leg to side x 10
on front hip mobility x 10 each side
prone hip mobility x 10 each side
side leg swings x 10 each leg
leg swings x 10 each leg

skip drills over 15m
butt kicks (not lately due to calf)
Running As

3 x 50m run throughs at 80-85 % on grass

Spikes on
2 x 10m walkback
1 x 20m 2 min
1 x 30m 3 min

2 x EFE or flying 30’s

2-3 starts to 5m or so

Auto Reg rating

3 x 10m walkback rec
3 x 20m 2 min rec
3 x 30m 3 min rec
4 x FEF from 3 point 5 min rec
4 x flying 30m 5 min rec

Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, 70,

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 3s x 5r x 70
Chins 5 x 5

S/set with 60 sec between reps
Dips 3s x 5r
SLDL 3s x 5r x 75
Incline reverse fly 3s x 10r x 5plates

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises



Sorry, I didn’t realise the ‘drills’ were referring to races…
Sometimes MB work helps subsequent running -you can try it perhaps (?)

I expect to try a few different things.

Thursday 12 Nov

Auto Reg rating

L tempo

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises




Auto Reg rating

Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, 70,

2 hours

100m @ 14.65 -1.0 (lw 14.49 +3.2)
rest 30 mins
150 @ fast relaxed
20 mins
200m @ 30.21 -0.7 (lw 31.16 + 5.8)

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises

90 mins

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 5r x 82, 92, 3s x 5r x 102
Incline DB bench 5r x 22, 25, 3s x 5r x 27

S/set with 60 sec between reps
Military press 3s x 5r x 40
Reverse lunge 3s x 5r x 50
1 arm db row 3s x 5r x 37



Improvement! :cool: I said I would try some different things, FINALLY may have sorted out my race day food something I always struggle with. 8am protein shake with fruit then at 11.30 after those cleans I had a bowl of Uncle Bens 2 minute rice.

Have a vid of my last set of squats

need to keep chest up.

NZ qualified for football WC last night :slight_smile:

Auto Reg rating

L Tempo

3 hours :eek:



Tempo all good and I stuffed up my bike ride BIG time, was planning on doing pretty much
but instead of turning right at point point 10 I went straight ahead and went along Rollinsons Road ending up at Swampy Summit which is at 738m (2421 ft) :eek: from there I took a couple of wrong turns but eventually found my way down via a rough walking track through forest :o then it started pissing down with rain!

When I got home cranked into a contrast shower a good feed, foam roller and stretch.

I heard about NZ’s qualification, after 28 years, wow! Well done! What were the other teams in the group stage (after Bahrain)?

Well done on that bike ride, too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah it was a great game, our keeper saved a penalty :cool: We needed to win to go through with the away goal rule a factor following a 0-0 draw in the first match. We were top of Oceania which for some reason doesn’t include Aus anymore :confused: Bahrain were 5th in Asia.

Bike ride was brutal!

Mon 16 Nov

Auto Reg rating
0 fighting a slight head cold.

2s x 4r x 80m walkback / 20 mins

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises



Auto Reg rating
0 not quite 100% due to cold, close but not quite all gone.

3 x 10m blocks
3 x 20m blocks 2 min rec
3 x 30m blocks 3 min rec
4 x FEF from blocks 5 min rec
4 x EFE 4 min rec

Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, ,

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 3s x 5r x 70
Chins 5 x 5

S/set with 60 sec between reps
Dips 3s x 5r
SLDL 3s x 5r x 75
Reverse fly 3s x 10r x 7db

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises



Auto Reg rating

L tempo

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises


9 :cool:

all low to mid 70% which is a HUGE improvement in the past few weeks. :smiley:

Auto Reg rating
-4 pre coffee, power cleans & 2 No Doze :o
+2 after the above :stuck_out_tongue:

Power clean
60 sec rec
2s x 1r x 60, 62, 65, 67, 70,

2 hours

100m race @ ?
rest 30 mins
130 @ fast relaxed
30 mins
200m race @ ?

10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises

90 mins

S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 3r x 82, 92, 3s x 3r x 102
Incline DB bench 3 x 22, 25, 3s x 3r x 27



will know times later, felt better though and regardless was a good session. Busy week at work and woke at 1.45am for 90 minutes :rolleyes: Start of recovery week hence the lower weights volume (3r instaed of 5 and no supplementary stuff)

Refer to