Issues with the graphs document?

I just purchased and downloaded the GPP set. The video is fine but when I open the pdf file it only has graphs for weeks 7 and 6, the one plyometrics graph and nothing else after that. When I scroll to the end of the document I get an image error.

Is there supposed to be more in the file?

I have emailed my information but I wanted to make sure it is an actual problem.


I have the same problem.

me too…not sure if it is problem

Well at least I am not the only one. I am hoping there is more to that file.

I haven’t received a response yet from the info email I sent above.

I have reviewed the GPP PDF, there is absolutely no issue or anything missing from the file. What you see is it. The file was created to illustrate key understandings in the film and should be seen that way.

I hope this helps,

Ok, so it is only supposed to have graphs for weeks 7 and 6 and the plyo chart and nothing more?

Be sure to scroll up and down the document to see everything.