Is this Correct?

Power = How fast you can use your strength. So you can lift weights to make you more strong, but how can you use your strength faster to generate more power and become more explosive? I think I have this really twisted sorry, I’m a little confused on how this works. Is it true that if you lift weight to much you just become stronger not faster?

You are correct in your understanding of power. If you get stronger, you will most likely get more powerful as well. It will probably take you the same amount of time to lift a heavier weight. This means you have more power. I’ll let someone else tackle your last question.

Power = weight lifted x speed lifted. If a weight is heavy it can’t be lifted as fast as a light weight. To optimise power development using weights alone you look for the optimum - a fairly heavy weight that can be lifted fairly fast.

If all you do is lift very heavy weights without doing anything explosive or fast then you will become slow. But in terms of running even if you lift weights fast doesn’t mean you will run fast because running is far more complicated than simply being able to move a weight quickly.

Thanks guys, also do you guys reccomend any books where I can learn more about sprinting?

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bwaaa ha ha ha - nice. :smiley: