Is this a good program for a 400m runner

Warm up, then run 10 x 100 meters at top speed with 8 minutes of walking or stretching between each sprint so that your muscles can replenish CP stores.

If you don’t have a meet, warm up, then run 4 x 400 at 90 to 95 percent of your top effort (a second or two slower than the best 400 meters you are capable of running right then), with 8 minutes of walking or stretching between each 400. Try to run the last 400 a little faster than the others. Cool down.

Warm up, then run 5 x 300 meters at 90 to 95 percent effort, with 8 minutes of walking or stretching between each 300. Try to run the last 300 a little faster than the others. Cool down.

Warm up, then run 1 x 100, 1 x 300 and 1 x 400, each at 90 to 95 percent of your top effort, with 8 minutes of walking or stretching between intervals. Cool down.

Race your best.

Rest. You deserve it.

Run one of the following hill workouts to increase the power of your leg muscles. Find a very steep hill 50 to 75 meters long, and run 10 to 12 repeats at top speed, with 8 minutes of walking or stretching between each climb. Or find a moderate hill that’s 200 to 300 meters long, and run eight repeats: four all out and four bounding at a comfortable speed. When you bound, exaggerate your knee-lift and allow your heels to sink well below your toes when your feet hit the ground.

First of all OUCH!

redo this schedule with:

  1. One day of Tempo or rest between each speed session.
  2. With daily speed volume of no more than 500-700m.
  3. With intensity at 95-100%, and no less.
  4. With complete rest (anywhere from 7-45 minutes).

you would be one burned out puppydog. maybe thats how they do it in Texas. Some good quartermilers come out of there. It would certainly weed out the men from the boys…
-just joking.I would take Herb’s advise.

My god he must be trying to kill hismelf! Completely agree with you herb!!!

Sounds like the workouts my school coach puts us through…and he wonders why everyone on the team was injured and slow…

same here, i know what you mean :smiley: