Intial programme for a 1oom athlete

Looking at changing my programming structure .What is the general feeling of programming for a 100m athlete?:slight_smile:

jogging and running.

im pretty sure there is a forum section specifically on 100m training, take a look at that ->

I have a planning question. I tore my hamstring earlier this year and it is only now starting to feel good enough to run at 90% effort in flats but not from an explosive start. Short story is that I will not be race ready for the outdoor season so will look toward some races in the indoor season but mostly toward outdoor 2011. Should I continue with the runs at 90-95% in flats and perhaps some plyos and strength training (squats/bench/cleans etc.) mostly just for conditioning and then when the weather turns here (Sept onward) start my accumulation then strength phase. I hope this makes sense?
also, what are the thoughts on this workout maybe 2x per week
Runs of 100m at 85-90% (prescribed by physio for the rebuilding/testing of hamstring) followed by 3-5 sets of hurdle jumps 6-8 30" hurdle jumps
then into weight room for back squats 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps.