Interview with Tudor Bompa

I’m curious as to your thoughts about how you would do the vertical-horizontal combination. Personally, I do 4X60/300+200+100 on back-to-back days early in SPP2 for the reasons Verkhoshansky lists (he has quite a discusssion about maximizing stimulus and protein synthesis in one of his papers). Would you consider adding a vertical stimulus to the 4X30+80+100+120+150? If so, any thoughts as to how?

Regarding using contrast as part of the combination, when I first saw Loren’s contrast stuff about 5 years ago, I followed it 2 days later with a workout like 2X4X100 (which is admittedly the hardest workout John Smith does)…and injured my hamstring on the very next workout. So, I think I’d be VERY cautious about using contrast as part of any combination approach; It is a very large stimulus and requires appropriate recovery methods. And I think there are some very valid comments about people going too far employing contrast methods. My experience thus far is that almost all the MaxV gain appears after one or two sessions and after that you are taking incremental risk for less than incremental gain.