Importance of Deadlifts

SLDL is quite a bit different from the RDL in terms of how much weight you can use, because with a SLDL if you approach a max% your techinque will fold up and your lumbar spine will bend and the load will transfer from the spinal erectors and hamstrings to the connective tissue in the spine, while with the RDL its a little easier to maintain techinque and not incur any lumbar spine flexon when useing a heavy load(provided that your spinal erectors are strong enough you can RDL a chevy, while with SLDLs you might be looking for a good orthopidic surgeon)

True to an extent. I still feel that max strength work is necessary. I’d just adjust the volume of it. Maybe keep the reps below 3, with a limited number of sets devoted to CNS taxing work.

Although sprinting work does transfer into the weight room, weight work also transfers onto the track… so it’s a 2-way street.