If it looks right it flys right

Found this amusing Q&A :slight_smile:

what excerises would be best in order to help my sprinting?

Go to the nearest mirror in your house. Turn around. Look in the mirror.

If your glutes are not jacked, your hammies are skinny and your erectors dont look like two huge steel pipes, you need to work the posterior chain. This is a huge region for sprint speed.

Now turn around. How do the quads and abs look. If you dont have so much muscle hanging over your knee that you cant see the knee cap, time to squat and lunge.

Best exercises to work are squats, deads, lunges, step ups, and sled pulls. Once you build a great base with these, write and I will give you more.

Get jacked up,

Dude, if we just goon the principal “If it looks right it fly’s right” that bird you’ve got in ur avatar is ready to break the sound barrier …

Originally posted by Dazed
Dude, if we just goon the principal “If it looks right it fly’s right” that bird you’ve got in ur avatar is ready to break the sound barrier …

Well I can vouch for that :smiley: