I’m spending enough money on nutrition and other bills so I cannot really go to the gym. Niether do I have a squat rack at home or enough weights anymore for barbell squatting. What I have got back into is, weighted one legged squats. I hold 2 dumbells, put my foot on the chair, get into the squat position and just squat up and down without my other leg ever touching the floor (so it’s not a step up.) I go down to parallell, though I’m just as comfortable doing deep single leg squats. The thing is, I’m not sure if this will do my knees much good If I do this for up to a year and…
I vaguely remnember Charlie saying something like single leg squats could cuase tightness in a certain muscle.
Anyway, I’d like the forum to offer their opinion as to possible advantages(if any), and disadvantages of single leg squats.
As a side note I’ll be training my upperbody with weighted chinups and pushups. I can do weighted glute ham raises at home to.
Goose, are you spending money on nutrition uneccessarily? I don’t know your diet or nutrition plan but I would drop nutrition supplements to afford gym and just eat the right food for great nutrition which can be done cheaply. Supplements can be effective, but they are the last piece in the puzzle.
Screw the GPP phase and get a good FPP, (financial preparation phase) and budget for the gym if you can. If not by a bar and weights and deadlfit and clean. I am working on a way to ruberize plates for olympic lifts with old tires…
Still doing olympic lifts I see, well goodtimes…good idea with the tires. Tell me how it works out.
Can’t beat the old conctrete and tires design for cheap Olympic wheels.
Yeah, u guys are right and I’ve been thinking about it a bit more, i’m dropping those single leg squats.
Westside are big on single leg squats as an assistance exercise. I was thinking of using them every once in a while for variety. Hip and hamstring involvement appears to be better than that of conventional squatting, although heavy weights, I agree may be taxing on the knees. Any thoughts?
As for the supplements, I agree with what has been said. Unless you require high quantities of protein, you should have no problem consuming sufficient amounts through whole food. The entire industry has become a marketer’s dream. Invest in some decent equipment, all the supplements in the world won’t do you any good without the training to back it up.