
I have heard that honey contains good quality of proteins… Is it true or false ?

no23, wow, excellent stuff! Your not kidding when you say your going to look something up!
re insulin spike- I certianly think the whole 100-200 grams of CHO post-workout for the insulin spike is overkill. I guess unless your not worried about bodyfat levels.

Personally - I have 2 vices (well 2 nutritional vices - enough about that …) -
Chocolate and coffee

When training, I will continue to drink coffee, but eliminate the chocolate.

If find I’d easily consume way tooooo many calories with the chocolate (2 bars on a good day!!).

and btw… how much do you have to eat… I mean how many proteins á 100g does honey have… ?

My Honey Fuel supplent contains 30 grams of Buzzprotein that prevents night time catabolism while also aiding in post workout recovery…seriously honey contains just carbohydrates.

You’d only get protein if you left the bees in there!

I think honey’s probably a lot better than refined sugar, it apparently contains some good minerals, but should be used moderately.

Linford was into Royal Jelly

My Honey Fuel supplent contains 30 grams of Buzzprotein that prevents night time catabolism while also aiding in post workout recovery…seriously honey contains just carbohydrates.

with some good marketing clem, you could be onto something there…

intresting… chris_p tell me more about your protein shake… :slight_smile:


You may be better with glucose and or dextros rather than honey in your postworkout drink:


Chris - I’m a bit tight this month and can’t afford my usual surge - and I fancy giving honey a try

How do u mix ur honey in ? - do you pre mix it at home with ur whey and water - or keep it separate until u need it .

Bear in mind I’m one messy git when mixing sticky stuff is involved lol

Some more info :

From : http://www.healthwellexchange.com/nutritionsciencenews/NSN_backs/Aug_99/bees.cfm

Honey is 18 to 20 percent water and is comprised of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose; vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K and beta-carotene, as well as minerals and enzymes. Raw, unprocessed honey has the most medicinal and nutritional value.

Raw honey contains bee pollen, enzymes and propolis, all of which can stimulate new tissue growth.

Propolis consists mainly of specific tree resins collected by honeybees. Bees use propolis like putty to seal cracks and openings in the hive, strengthen combs and seal brood cells.

More than 180 compounds have been identified in propolis, and many are biologically active.11 Flavonoids are abundant, including apigenin, galangin, kaempferol, luteolin, pinocembrin, pinostrobin and quercitin, all of which are anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, antiallergenic, antioxidant and/or antimutagenic. Propolis is uniquely rich in the caffeic acid phenethyl ester, which in animal studies has inhibited cancer growth14 and reduced inflammation as effectively as drugs.

Royal Jelly
Royal jelly contains all the B vitamins and is especially rich in pantothenic acid. It contains phytosterols (mainly beta-sitosterol) and enzymes, as well as acetylcholine and hormones including estradiol and testosterone. All of these compounds help lower cholesterol. A review of controlled studies concluded that in humans, 50 to 100 mg royal jelly per day decreased total cholesterol by 14 percent and triglycerides by 10 percent. Royal jelly at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight also slowed the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits fed high-fat diets.



New Study Suggests Honey Can Boost Endurance Performance in Athletes

Honey Shines in Athletic Research, Has Scientific Community Abuzz

A Honey of an Energy Lift

New Study Suggests Honey May Increase Recuperation after Workouts


Hope some of this is a help …

I been using some blended pure honey from Holland & Barret for about a week now ( 2 weight sessions and 1 speed - needed a rest ) -
and I must say as far as nrg recovery and post training stiffness is concerned I am really Impressed - 3 spoonfuls after 30g of whey restored my nrg far better than anything else I’ve had and tastes wicked too -

as for aiding in muscle repair I can’t say for sure as I’m struggling in this area at the moment any way

Chris you certainly know your honey -
and I agree with what you’ve said about JB -

However - I would argue that the more natural (i.e. the closest it is to the hive) the honey the better.

Bees are extremely clean insects from first hand experience of bees and bee hives and the nurtients that are have to been removed from honey to - especially the cell walls - produce smooth jarred honey is unbelievable.

I have spoken to bee-keeper neighbours and read about this some time ago.

I guess I better try and dig up some proof rather than just blather on - but my basic belief is - the closer to the hive the better …

The only problem is that the nearer the hive it is the harder it is to mix!

Do you agree?

You could very well be correct. I don’t know though, I look in those clear jars of pure honey and the “funk” I see floating in those jars makes me cringe. If you have more info on the subject please post it, I am very interested in learning more about it.

Ok Chris,
Just off the phone to my bee-keeper friend/expert.

All natural Honey will cyrstalise so additives are added to Jar Honey to prevent it from hardening and making it unappealing for sale.
With Naural Honey - to de-crysatlise it all you need do is heat the container/spoon etc gently and it will liquidify.
It is excellent at healing wounds (first used by the Eygptians years ago on cuts etc. because it is a great natural healer and always stays soft and liquid not hardeneing and sticking papyrus to cuts!- useless but hey I found it interesting)
I think it is full of certain natural enezymes - which haven’t found out yet.
The darker the honey seemingly the better …
The ‘propilis’ is the substance that forms the cells - and this is what is removed from jar honey - it has the most benefits - but is the hardest to consume!!!

I’ll post more in a bit …

Great stuff no23, thanks. Have you tried the Royal Jelly honey?

The question is there an OPTIMAL insulin spike…it a high peak overkill? Thoughts?


Sit down - I am with you: 100-200g of carbs post workout seems like overkill;)

However, my opinion. One size does not fit all.

Before deciding how much carbs to have post workout, certain things need to be taken into account:

  1. Type of training
  2. Length of training
  3. Intensity of training
  4. Rep range used (if weights involved)
  5. Size, weight and BF % of athlete
  6. Goal of the training and the athlete (muscle gain or fat loss)

Only once all the variables are known, can we determine what would be the amount of carbs required post workout.

Protein - would also be included in all PWO drinks.

Once all th