Holy Cross Seminar

Anyone going to the Holy Cross Seminar? Some great speakers.

Can you post details on who is going to be there, when, and what is going to be covered?

Any CEU’s available?

This is what I know Mustang and Quickashell from Eric’s lockeroom on t-mag.

"Hey New England and New York (and anyone else who doesn’t mind traveling to the cold white North)!

WHAT: First Annual Be Athletic Sports Performance Symposium

WHEN: December 10, 2005

WHERE: College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts


Brijesh Patel - Functional Isometric Training for Sport

Mike Boyle - New Concepts in Neural Activation

Eric Cressey - Unstable Surface Training: Valuable Approach or Just Another Gimmick?

John Pallof - Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention for Female Athletes

Lee Mancini - Sports Supplements that Work: Giving your Athletes Good Advice

Cassandra Forsythe - Nutritional Considerations for Female Strength and Power Athletes

The day will conclude with a roundtable of speakers.

Cost - $99 Professional, $59 Student (photo ID required), $129 walk-ins

CEUs are available through the NSCA for the seminar (not a bad idea for those whose certifications expire on 12/31/05), and Biotest is going to be sending along some goodies. Biotest is an official sponsor along with Perform Better and Jeff Oliver’s Be Athletic Sports Performance Camp.

You can email me at ericcressey@hotmail.com and I’ll get you a copy of the seminar brochure/registration form. "

Six great speakers!

Coffee and Lunch I think is provided. Many coaches are going from NY and New England.

good stuff. Dec 10th I will be at Defrancos seminar. I will keep everyone posted on what is covered.

I will be at the “Be Athletic Sports Performance Symposium”.

I can’t go but someone please post a review.

I’ll consider it for a one-time cost of $19.99!! We’ll have to wait and see…

I’ll post a review for nothing when Clemson is back on the site.

I’ll be at the combat seminar with martin Rooney, Santana and Rhadi

Joe D’s seminar is same day - tons to learn!!


I’ll consider it for a one-time cost of $19.99!! We’ll have to wait and see…

Clemson is banned again? Why?

Not sure. Anyhow, here’s the cheap review:

Brijesh Patel: See Jay Schroeder’s work. Also provided a copy of some research on isometrics. Didn’t overpromise or underdeliver, simple presentation. Lots of video of some unique varieties of EDI’s and Iso-holds.

Michael Boyle: Functional Strength Concepts. Well thought out (obviously). Brilliantly performed presentation. Boyle really knows how to get to the heart of the matter. Discussed compensation concepts in detail and came to some simple conclusions that he demonstrated. Big slideboard fan. Great points on hip flexor (specifically iliopsoas function).

Eric Cressey: Unstable Surface Training. In short: train muscles to be smart, not to be stupid. Eric saw that UST training led to improvements in UST testing, but not anything that contributed significantly to performance enhancement. Eric’s research (which will come out in the Strength/Conditioning Journal soon) was good stuff. I’ll try to elaborate later.

I’ll continue this when I get my notes from home.

Sorry, after going through my notes it’s clear that I was not focused enough to give an accurate (from me at least) summary of the remaining presentations. And because of difficulty in travel I actually left early and missed two of the presentations. I’m curious to see QUIK’s notes on Defrancos Training Seminar.

Why even go to seminars? Anyways Im going through the archives on the Boyle site. And look what he has to say about Charlie:

I’m going to open up a can of worms. I, like many, have beeen heavily influenced by Charlies concepts. When guys refer to Speed Trap or Charlie Francis Training System I almost laugh. SpeedTrap has very little training info, it is a story. Charlie Francis Training System is a must read but, I’m sure even Charlie himself would admit out of date. These books are 10 years old at least. However, two points:
1- He’s a track coach not a strength and conditioning coach. It’s either run straight or run straight and lean left. I think my single leg strength demands are different.
2- EDITED It’s easy to say “just squat” then add X. Those of us who choose to live in the EDITED world might need to be more progressive. I’d love huge amounts of max strength but, it’s not as easy to come by in the clean world. I hate the “Ben could squat X” stuff

Carl Valle actually stuck up for him, but going along with the Boyle philosophy in my opinion, is betrayal for any serious coach. Please don’t sell out!

I noticed a trend on these forums. The same people post everywhere. LOL. WOW.

I see on elitetrack they got Mike Smith, according to his profile, the youngest coach with a PHD, some crap like that.

I can’t believe people actually take this stuff seriously. Don’t dish out your cash to hear some fancy concepts that don’t work.


Why go to seminars: Great place to network with others and learn from top coaches.

It’s Mike Young not Mike Smith. He is a very intelligent and helpful coach. I don’t see how you could possibly accuse him of excessive self promotion/selling out.

Everyone has opinions and a lot of those people have success. It’s best to learn from them instead of criticize them. I never learned anything by telling someone they were wrong.

You completely got away from the point of my whole post. Its ok though.

What was the point of your post?

Sorry, what was the point of your post?

Can you provide info on the references?

Force-Time Curve Characteristics of Dynamic and Isometric Muscle Actions of Elite Women Olympic Weightlifters.

Haff, G. Gregory, Carlock, Jon M., et al.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005, 19(4), 741-748.