Hip Rotation

For no particular reason, I recalled a point that Charlie made about the importance of hip rotation (re: knees coming toward the centerline at blockout) and its influence on stride length.

My question is, where does the extra distance come from? Increased ability to apply force during ground contact?

With ground strike occurring as close as possible to Bottom Dead Center, hip orientation at that point would be close to neutral; so no positional gains would be evident.

Does anyone know of studies that purport to measure the advantage, or existence of an advantage, to this cue?

If not, is the purpose of the cue more preventative, to avoid “skating” where athletes footsteps go back and forth across the lane; particularly in the opening meters of a race?

It depends if you are looking at stride length as in from where the foot leave the ground at toe off until touch down. If it is this then a rotation of the hips will increase stride length.

On the other hand if you are talking about effective stride length (e.g. the distance the COM moves) then rotation of the hips will place a stretch on the glutes allowing them to contract at their optimal length tension relationship for a longer proportion of the time the foot is on the ground, which allows you to put more force into the ground and so increases stride length.

Whichever it is will be irrelevant. In practice you want the hips to be mobile in order to run fast!