Hip Mobility Issues

Bold, do you have any foolproof ways to check for weakness/tightness in the hip/lower body? (that don’t involve going to a professional :P)

No, not without visiting me or somebody else who knows what they are doing.

Sadly - its even hard to say, Visit a Chiro, or Visit a Physio or such. I come across vast amounts of ppl who visit these Specialists only to not get any better…

I would do your homework on your local area - find out some Testimonials on them. Do they deliver results? Anybody can give a treatment, few deliver results.

Fundamentals #2 gives it a good shot - but that just means really, Find somebody good or study it yourself which takes Ages.

Getting good info, and good Therapy wont be free. You got to Pay to Play. If your not making any Pay, you cant play (as good)

Suggest you find a way where you can Budget say $100 per wk towards your Goals. The cash Left over can be used for Trips or such.
$10 wk Avg = Books
$10 wk avg = DVDs
$50 wk on Massage or other therapy, such as buying a TENS/EMS machine
$30 wk on supplements/clothes/event entry fee’s

You need to either Get a Pay rise, get a 2nd job/small cash in hand work or find an area where you can spend LESS cash in each wk. Ie - find somebody to Board house with to share rent with, buy a smaller car, find a cheaper shop to buy food at, cheaper phone etc etc.

Neither really. Maybe they feel tight, or inhibit hip flexion strength. If it’s tender to touch, especially more so on the symptomatic side then releasing it off will result in relief.