Hip hyper extension

I’m interested to hear some expert opinions on this article.

At first I thought it was BS. Ralph Mann’s data shows that the move novice sprinter has more hip extension at toe-off compared to the elite (and showing a pic of Tyson at 90 to 100m is misleading).

That being said when I saw Jeff Howser’s name associated with that, I thought twice about it. I’m still thinking… what do you think about it?

You guys remember that Louie Simmons interview where he had Mo Robinson do a whole ton of specific strength endurance stuff? Like weighted runs/walks and other things of that sort. Kinda similar.

Between hills, sled sprints, regular sprinting, med ball throws, plyos ect… we do a ton of hyperextension work as is. I guess it all comes down to whether or not you want to add in more specific work, keep things general or use it to vary things a bit.

I think it can be beneficial to emphasize training that extra 20 or so degrees of extension on strengthening exercises that are not specific to sprinting technique, for instance I do explosive hip hyper extensions on the Keiser multi hip, however any “technique drill” I would avoid emphasizing anything beyond triple extension as it could negatively effect sprint mechanics by tempting an athlete to try to hang onto the ground longer to get that hyperextension thereby increasing ground contact times. I also agree that we train that movement indirectly through the many other means of training mentioned.

Woops posted that in the wrong thread.

Love the videos!

A very good article on another channel which may help to put hyper extension in perspective. Charlie is commented on under the athlete paragraph too:



check it out at around 1:20.

Can someone tell me how to embed Youtube videos in posts?


That sled is going to ruin their track :wink: