hind brain vs. fore brain

I know you where Dave! fortunately most users wont be familar with your slang.

Food for thought:

Does it have to be one or the other (Forebrain vs. Hindbrain)? (Disclaimer: I’m of the school that believes that sprinting is primarily hindbrain along with degrees of spinal reflex)

Focusing purely on a competition-type situation: Is it possible that throughout the 100m there is a “shift” of the activity from the fore to the hind. For example, could the strong, volitional, explosive movement of the acceleration phase be slightly more “forebrain-centered” whereas the extremely high limb speeds during maximal velocity mechanics are more “hindbrain/spinal reflex” in nature?

Just something that crossed my mind yesterday.

The best ie. I can give on NLP is, do you guys know Anthony Robbins, multi-billionaire, well he uses NLP in his tapes.


Your on the right track sprinting is neither purely hind or forebrain. The changes that do occur with faster sprinting is not a shift from fore to hind but rather faster neural impules in both regions of the brain.

A shift is either an elimination of the negative feed or an addition of the same quality.