"High hips" = central or lateral rotation?

Does high hips mean A) the whole pelvis is raised?

Or does it mean B); when left knee is forwards the left side of hip must be raised, and when right knee is forwards the right side of hip raises.

Or does high hips mean BOTH A) & B).

I know the hips rotate slightly laterally aswell, so that is why I am confused when people say “high hips.”

Becuase if it means “A” it doesn’t make much sense (if the theory is “the higher the better”). Becuase if your hips raised as high as possible you would have to have straight legs when foot strikes the ground which wouldn’t get you anywhere.

Please don’t give me a vague answer like “just run tall” or “just work on your strength and that should raise your hips.”
or; “Perhaps you should re-phrase your question.”

Cheers, Goose. :slight_smile: