Help with rugby/sprinting speed


I’ve been intensely weight training for about 2.5-3 years now, and am pretty strong in all my upper body (and lower body, to a lesser extent) lifts. I’m currently 19 years old, 5’8, probably 15-18% bodyfat, weighing in at 185lbs.

Current lifts (for strength background purposes):
Bench: 225x6
Chinups: 18 max
Shoulder press: 75lb dumbells x 5 reps
Power clean: HORRIBLE I used to do 165x3 (but my college doesn’t have barbells in the weightroom… don’t ask)
Squats: Smith machine 3 plates + 10s x 5 times
Deadlifts: Haven’t done them since I got to college

I know it’s hard to measure my lower body strength b/c my university doesn’t allow non-varsity athletes to use barbells of any kind. I’ve been using the smith machine for squats/stiff legged deadlifts and the leg press for leg work this year.

I joined the rugby team this year, and although I’m strong and have good endurance, I’M TOO SLOW!

My question is this: I have about 3 months to develop my explosive speed (like, my 40yrd dash time) before I come back to school. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about this?

I was thinking of doing sprints (5-6 50yrd dashes) 2-3x a week. Also, I want to incorporate plyometrics a few times a week, but really don’t know where to begin. I know of some of the exercises, but don’t know how to incorporate them (sets/reps, number ofitmes per week, how I should gradually increase the sets I do/periodize my training, etc) into my routine.

If anyone could help me out, it’d be really appreciated. Any questions you have I’d be happy to answer.

Thanks a lot,

Oh, and if it helps, I think my major weaknesses lie in my glutes and hamstrings to some degree (mostly glutes). Simply by looking at my legs, I seem to be pretty quad-dominant. Thanks.

First, find a new place to train, there has got to be a gym in the area. Dumbells have there merit, but barbell exercises are essential. Second, purchase the CFTS. Then, I would suggest heading over to and picking up a copy of High/Low Sequences of Programming and Organizing Training by James Smith. His next book, should be right up your ally, it is coming out in a few weeks and concerns speed development for non-track athletes. James Smith uses the charlie francis system. I can’t offer as much direct help as I just got into the speed game as well. Keep digging and learning, hopefully others can shed some light on more specific questions.

hey deps

what position you play??? also whats is the reasoning behind the gym program the way it is???

do they currently program any speed work into the program???


When I go home from Georgetown Univ, I’ll be able to use barbells, but only varsity athletes here have access to those. So this summer I can do squats/deads/powercleans, and plan on doing so.

I’m a hooker (short, wide, and not too fast) for my team.

Our team doesn’t lift together, and like I said, the only reason I use dumbbells is because I have to.

I’ll head over to elitefts and check that out, thanks for the tip edelweiss.

For the mean time, can anyone else offer help in giving me some tips on how to incorporate sprinting and plyometrics into a lifting routine this summer?

Thanks again for all the help,

Hi depsyphor

Considering you have the strength of a goldfish and the bodyfat of a hippo your best approach at this present time is to work on reducing your bodyfat levels and simply increasing your strength. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to improve your speed by doing plyos and olympic lifts you simply ain’t ready for these training protocols.

Give me your position and I will give you some training protocols - I’ve been training professional rugby teams for 9 seasons I’m sure I can offer you some advice.

I’m a hooker (#2).

So you wouldn’t want me to do plyos until my squat is better?

And regarding the fat comment… why have a 6pack when you can have a keg?

Mate it all depends whats standards you set yourself why have a six pack when you can have a keg! Buddy when u get serious I will reply otherwise seek amature advice!!!

alright thanks for all your help. i thought that the fact that i train 5x/week and have for a good 2+ years would indicate some sort of seriousness, as well as coming to this site to seek advice. clearly i want to get faster and am planning on dropping weight this summer to help me do that. if you want to call me a weak hippo thats cool but not really helpful.

does anyone else have anything to add?

It is that simple.

It really is all about strength in rugby.

Get strong and lean (with most things being equal) you can develop eveything else on top of that foundation.

Listen to Power kid - he knows what he’s talking about

So until I am leaner (and stronger) I shouldn’t try to incorporate plyometrics or sprint workouts into my routine if I want to become faster on the playing field?


Speed is relative to your basic strength (and lean muscle).

Think of Plyo’s as the ‘icing’ on the cake.

I have some articles from one of the top rugby trainers here, if you want them drop me a PM with your email address.
That said Power’s advice was spot on, another very important aspect is improving your rugby ability. You can be strong and lean but games aren’t won in the weight room.

John, I’ll be really interested in those articles if still available…

id be interested in those too john.
jicjoc AT gmail DOT com


I’ve seen this new book on the site.
Have you read it? How good is it? Would you recommend buying it? I already have almost the entire store here

Are you reffering to speed development for team athletes in yearly cycle? I have read it and it is BETTER than his first book-manual! Altought, I would love that James have spend more time explaining the means he have used… It is interesting to see how did he programmed/planned training over a year! A lot of authors just put some exercises, while James outlined his phylosophy and year-round training system…
My opinion, great manual, but still need some “finishing” and greater details regarding means he used!


I found both very interesting and good models, I would have liked to see more development of the program. I know he hasn’t just simply taken Westside and CFTS and stuck them together.

I would have questions on the program design though interms of volume and CNS stress.

That said it is a very valuable contribution.

Has this thread gone re original topic?

Plyos, oly lifts, strength weights, fat loss, can all work independently of one another even at an early training age.


develop your post chain using back hypers (extension) SLDL, reverse leg press and swop smith squats for free squats.

If using the other power exercises, cycle the intensity of your workouts so that fatigue/overtraining doesnt spoil the power. I know thats brief but this forum and charlies books are full of such info.