Help Setting Up SPP for 400/200m "indoor season"?

I am coming out of the GPP phase of my training, and into SPP next week. I had a post in the forum a while ago on this, but it is no longer here. So could someone help me set up a training schedule for a 200/400m training.

I understand the High Intenisty/Low Intensity days, and that weights are on the High Intensity days. I also basically know what to do on the low intenisty days (tempo).

So, I need to know how I should do training for the high intensity days. That would probably include speed work, and some other stuff. The other things were doing low volume hard speed, at distances 100m+. I forget how it was set up though.

If anyone could help me set one up, that would be great. Though, if you could, set it up in a format like this to make it easy to understand:

Tues: Tempo
Thurs: Tempo
Sat: Tempo

So, if you could inform me what to do for the high intensity days, that would be great. Also, volume for tempo would be between 2000-3000m. If you have anything you would like to add to low intensity days too, just say something. Thanks for any help.

Also, “indoor season” is in quotes, because it isn’t really a meet in it, just mock meets. I’m still in high school, and wont be able to get meets until college (next year). But it is still important. I will also finally not be running under this second high school I started going to sophomore year, because there coach is crap, and caused me to get an injury that costed me 2 seasons. This year will be mine though. I will be running in some meets over the summer. I will also be using my old high schools (my first high school) track to train on. This year will mine.

I think you will get a variety of opinions on this, but I would have one of the days focus on acceleration work, another on speed endurance and the third on special endurance.

Acceleration would involve 10-30m sprints, some from blocks. A total volume of about 300-400 meters.

Speed endurance would be in the 50-80m range – maybe 500 meters of volume.

Special endurance would be in the form of split 300s – 200 + 100. Running 2-3 with full recovery between each. 150s also would be good. Later in the phase, you might do some longer repeats (200-300) or splits (400).

You could probably add some max velocity work on either the acceleration or speed endurance day. You can do weight training and/or plyos after each of the speed sessions.

This would be for a short to long approach. You will hear from others on how to set up a long to short approach. I don’t have any experience with that and prefer short to long.

Ok, could anyone else give me advice in setting this up, my schedule will begin next week.

Here is what I have so far:

Mon: Acceleration; weights
Tues: Tempo
Wed: Speed Endurance; weights
Thurs: Tempo
Fri: Special Endurance; weights
Sat: (Tempo possibly)

Ok, now could people help me figure out what to put into Accreration training, Speed Endurance, and Special Endurance? I can deal with tempo fine. Also, is that Acceleratoin, speed Endurance, and Special Endurance in a good order for a Scedule? Thanks for any help.

Have you read the lactic tollerence thread? KitKat lays out his plan for 400m atheltes there. Also i think you are going to need some lactic tollerence work in there for the 400m.

I dont believe it is still on this forum. I wouldn’t ask this question if they had it. I also had a post on this subject, but its gone as well. If you can find it, that would be great, but can’t seem to find it.

Thanks for finding it.

Comanch, I’m not a 400m coach (so havn’t spent much time thinking about 400m training) but i’m interested in what your going to come up with. Post some ideas and you’ve done your homework and we’ll see what we can come up with.

I will be running a basic plan from an old schedule this week, but plan on having my schedule for the whole “indoor season” by next week.

Ok, that is way to much information for me to be going through, on top of the fact that I am not super experienced in making a program; kit kats 24 long pages of information. Could someone with knowledge and experience with training 200m/400m please share there knowledge and expertiese with me? This was my program last season, how could I better/modify this program to make it better and more suited for a 200m/400m runner? Or what other progams does one know that is totally different from this that is good?

Here is my last season program:

Monday: Accel out to 40m.x5-7 Weights
Tuesday: tempo
Wednesday: SE.
4 x 150
3 x 200m
2-3 x 300m
2 x [250m, 40m, 40m, 40m with walk to starting like for recovery between reps and full recovery between sets].
I will pick between these things. Keeps variety, and will do it in some systematic way.
Thursday: Tempo
Friday: Max Velocity low volume.
3-5x30m flys. 3 min break between. start 5 sets, decrease over time.
Saturday: SE:
100x3. 10minutes rest between

Also, I had an injury the whole season last year, that is now fixed, so I cant say if the program is good or not for a 200m/400m runner. I also couldn’t do Saturdays, because of the injury. Last season was pretty much a waste.

I guess one thing I would like to add in is Lactate Tolerance training, as someone was talking about.

Also, I could make Saturday a tempo during the first half (Till week before last of November), then start doing the SE 3x100m. But still want to add Lactate Tolerance training (whatever that is???).

Also, I need this before the end of tomorrow (Sunday), being I began SPP last week, and just followed my old schedule. I’m looking for program first, and understanding second. If I can get both, great, but if I can get a good program without understanding fully the “why”, that is at least what I need.

Your last season plan doesn’t look that bad (except maybe too much HI work).
How about on the accel day making it to maybe 30m and adding 1-2 special. end. runs (300’s maybe) at the end?

If you are going to do max v work, you need more than 3 minutes for flying 30’s (how far are you acceling)?

What are you doing on tempo days? You could drop a lot of time increasing fitness on these days.

Daven is on the right lines. Split your HI work over 3 days rather than 4 and add another day of tempo. 400m runners need a fair amount of tempo (upto around 9000m a week).

Ok, for tempo, I plan on doing volume of between 2000m-3000m. Start at 2000, and move it up. May or may not reach 3000m, but will up the volume as season goes through.

As for the Max V, the flies are 20m acceleration before the 30m part. Also, I’ve done it with 3 minutes rest last week, and seemed like adequate rest for me.

So, how would you all improve this schedule:

Monday: Accel out to 40mx5-7, then 1x300m; Weights
Tuesday: tempo
Wednesday: SE.
4 x 150
3 x 200m
2-3 x 300m
Rest will consist of walking back to where I began. For 300m, I will find an equal distance to walk; adequate distance. The walk will be between 3-4minutes.
Thursday: Tempo
Friday: Max Velocity low volume.
3-5x30m flys. 3 min break between. start 5 sets, decrease over time.
Saturday: Tempo

Should I increase Fridays Max V distance? Also, is Wednsdays rest period too long or short? Any other ways I can improve this schedule?

Where do you plan on going with the pre-comp and comp phases?

Maybe some more volume and less rest (slightly) so that you have somewhere to go later in the season and then to peak.

Have you considered adding in bodyweight or medball circuits to your tempo days in addition to the running (I hope it is on a soft surface–I am injured because of intensive tempo thanks to my lovely football program, all done on a synthetic track)? This could also help in peaking by taking those out the same time you lower the LI volume (just before the peak).

Where do you plan on going with the pre-comp and comp phases?

I planned on going Long to short.

Maybe some more volume and less rest (slightly) so that you have somewhere to go later in the season and then to peak.

I assume this is with Wed. SE. If so, how much more volume and less rest would you recomend?

Have you considered adding in bodyweight or medball circuits to your tempo days in addition to the running (I hope it is on a soft surface–I am injured because of intensive tempo thanks to my lovely football program, all done on a synthetic track)? This could also help in peaking by taking those out the same time you lower the LI volume (just before the peak).

No, but may do that. I was going to do abdominal work that day though. I am doing Tempo work on the grass and dirt, measuring out a 100m patch, and following routines there. Also, weights would be done Monday, Wednsday, and Friday, forgot to post that.

I suspect that with a 20m accel zone, you aren’t really hitting MaxV, so 3min recovery may be just enough. Personally I’d probably take 4min, but that’s just me.

Overall, I like your program … it’s similar to mine, but I do a hill based quasi LT session instead of SE right now. Once I enter my SPP phase (in 3 weeks), I’ll add SE.

What are your goals for 06?

For '06, I will base that off of how this mock indoor season goes. I do have goals though, for the indoor and outdoor; just dont like telling others about them.

I had a great coach freshman year, and did good for that year. I got screwed over the past two years after getting stuck under a crap high school coach; after I transferred to this other high school. He was authoritarian and bad. He literally picked things that “sounded good” off the top of his head. He also did stretches for 10 seconds. Lots of bad stuff. Anyways, pulled something Sophomore year, and that injury carried over to junior year, even when I tried to get it fixed.

But, I went to a chiropractor this summer, said my back was twisted and bent, and got that fixed. Havn’t noticed anything since, not in GPP, or the start of SPP, so finally got that injury fixed.

I plan on getting back on track this season though, and running unnattached away from this high school. Then I will have meets in the summer.

I suspect that with a 20m accel zone, you aren’t really hitting MaxV, so 3min recovery may be just enough. Personally I’d probably take 4min, but that’s just me.

What acceleration phase would you recomend, and how far should I do for flies/Max V?

Also, do you run 400m as well?

Nik makes a good point about keeping your accel phase short early in the season in order to better control your top speed, and moving up to 30-40m over time. in the current “Flying Sprints” thread.

I will probably adopt this concept during my early SPP phase on the track. I currently do all my accel dev. on hills.

I run 200/400 as well. I plan on using my indoor season to work on speed (more 60/200/300m) and focus on 200/400 in the summer. I’ve realized this year that speed is of paramount importance in both events.
