Help me please with 100m training

Helo can anyone please help me and give me a eating and exercise program for training for 100m.i have been springting for some time but i dont realy improve so i need a track exercise program and a gym program and maybe a eating program willing to work very hard no problem with pushing myself

Check out some of the training journals. You can pick up the basic structure from there.

agreed, most journals are full of training based on ideas

to find out 1st hand what they are, the CFTS ebook would be a place to start as well.

I wouldnt base a total workout, food, gym etc etc all from a forum based response. Research and study if you have no coach around to help.

In order of importance for many of us:

Vancouver 04 download

The Vancouver download has an entire plan that Charlie obviously used to positive effect (understatement of the year, perhaps). Other peoples’ training plans will give you an idea of what other people in your performance range are doing, but I think you’re have better results if you tailor Charlie’s time-tested plans to your needs, rather than copying someone else’s work that may or not be done right.

tnx for the reply where do i get those things?

There’s an online store on this site.