help a newbie to train for 800m

Ok if there is a place to ask its obviously this so here i go:P

I am a COMPLETE newbie, i am fitness training for the last 4 months, no more. That is, i used to jog and lift weights the body building style though.

i dont really know what kind of stats would be usefull for you so im 22
1.80 (5’11’)
76kgr (168 lbs)
squat 70kgr (154) 10 reps though that could be less im suspecting the 10kgr at my gym really aint that much:P
bench 70kgr (154) 4 reps
100m sprint 13-14 sec though that is kind of a guess, i hope to measure again in a week or two that my training tack opens
sprin 400m 1 minute (flat:P)
i can jog at 150 bpm for 40 mins
i run 1200 m at 5 mins

well of the top of my head thats them:P

point is, i dont really want to compete, i want to excersize hard and have some goal (sub 2 mins for 800 m for excample)

how sould i train, how sould i lift wheits whats nutrition should i have…

no mercy please, im willing to go all the way!

thanx in advance, i hope im not wasting your time:)