Hi Angela! Thanks for responding, I hope you are enjoying the snow.
I followed the suggestions you made in The Jane Project, but I need to cut back on bread. I get it from a friend who is hardcore artisanal and bakes in his backyard. Try them out if you can, their miche and raisin bread are out of this world awesome :)(http://thecliffsidehearth.blogspot.com/)
My water intake is probably subpar. I will increase my daytime consumption. What do you suggest consuming during indoor workouts where the temperature is neutral? Mostly water? Some kind of water fortified with electrolytes?
The only thing I will use to aid sleep is ZMA- I am a big fan. Sleep is sometimes interrupted, but I often sleep through the night until my alarm. I have always struggled to get to bed at a reasonable hour, I’m probably averaging 6.5 hours per night, which is below my needs for sure. I will start logging sleep.
I have been foam rolling this year, incorporating it as part of my warmup. I am a fan of ice and hot and cold showers, and have been getting massages on a more regular basis (almost time for my annual trip to see Waldemar). I am much less tight and sore this year, which is a major improvement.
I’d like to at least learn how to give a half decent massage and have a clearer picture of the musculoskeletal system. If it was interesting enough, I could see myself continuing to take courses.
Thank you for all your advice, and hope to see you at the track soon.