Heart Rate Monitors

I’m hoping this is the proper subforum to post this in …

Does anyone here train with Heart Rate Monitors? Are they useful or do you find that they just get in the way. As far as percentages go I’ve gotten this info from a book of mine. Feel free to tell me if it is innaccurate:

oxygen utilization 2 / 65%-75& of max hr
oxygen utilization 1 / 75%-85% of max hr
anaerobic threshold / 85%-90% of max hr
oxygen transport / 90%-95% of max hr
lactate training / 95%-100% of max hr

Also, is there a specific monitor that anyone suggests. I’ve been looking at this one, is it any good?


I have used “Polar a1” Heart Rate Monitor for a couple years. It displays your heart rate, average heart rate and exercise duration.

It is not cumbersome… a strap around your chest and a wrist receiver. Under $100 CDN.

I use the polar 720. It downloads to a computer and I find that if you are using heart rate to guide your training you would be surprised what it looks like when you can have it graphed out for you. I also really like the software for the diary function.

The 720 looks very nice but a little expensive. When they say elapsed time does it mean like a stopwatch or the acutal time?

We’ve gotten some good correlation data with the Polar SX625/PC Coach combo for SpecEndII and tempo work. The Fitsense and Timex Bodylink systems works as well. Although we believe the inertial sensor systems seem more accurate for our purposes.

The 720 has a lot of funtions. Total time and lap times also give average and max heart rates for each one. You can look at the info after by hand but I like it when it will just display all that on the same screen after a download. I used a polar without the download for years but it is more convienient to have the download. Amos

Ok, so I purchased a Polar F6 for a very good price as it was on sale. So far its working great, the real question is about the actual heart rate I am reciving.

After seven days of rest (time off after competitive season) I decided to go out for a 60’ UT2 run. I haven’t run in months as I have spent my time rowing. According to articles UT2 workout should be 65-75% of max hr. Being 17, I calculated my max heart rate to be 203 (220-age). Therefore to be in the 65-75% zone my hr should be between 132-152. While running and glancing at my watch to check hr, I noticed I was averaging around 160, peaking at 170 at one point. I didn’t feel that I was pushing myself too hard and at some points I forced my self to slow down to bring down my hr. Seeing as we did a week taper, plus I have just had a week off I realize that I haven’t been doing regular consistent workouts in 2 weeks. Plus I was running, which is a form of cardio I don’t often do. Will my UT2 hr lower naturally as I get back into shape and rebuild by aerobic base? Or am I truely working too hard?

Or is it just your natural response as it felt easy. I wouldn’t worry about it. if it still felt easy, why change?

Most of the info on max heart rate is VERY inaccurate from what I understand.

This HRmax calculation may as well be wrong to start with!
If really interested and you regard it necessary, get your HRmax tested -per event!

Since you are getting back to it and because this isn’t your sport, I would go with the feeling, yes!

Look first at how quickly your HR returns to baseline after the session.

Please provide more detail