Hannah Cunliffe makes front page Seattle Times, and video

Seattle Speed club compete in the National AAU track games, not the USATF (they do participate in the Regional USATF meet though, which is local)…the way it is scheduled, it is not realistic to do both, as either AAU or USATF will have their National meet, then the following day one ends the other will start…not making it reasonable to go from one to the other. I’m not even sure how feasible it would be with when registration has to be done I’m sure while the other meet in in progress.
Hannahs record is an AAU record.


11.35 is an unbelievable feat at that age…what an athlete!


The first woman to run under 11.0 IN HIGH SCHOOL.

She had a ridiculously quick start, which was her big advantage when she was younger, but perhaps it turned into a disadvantage as she matured, as she didn’t have the SE to go along with the start and world class competition tended to run her down from behind.

Physically, Angela looked like Shelly-Ann Fraser, and it would have been interesting to see the results with the same training.

I agree. She’s amazing (WOW). Hopefully, she keeps a strong head and stays health.

Yup, exactly.

Edit: I never seen Angela run more than 120 meters during practice (although she can run a good 400). Angela did block starts along with 30/40/60/80 meter sprints. The intensity looked to me to be around 80% in effort at times.

I was in the weight room with her as well. NOTHING spectacular at all, just general body building stuff.

Sure, it’s a good time, but if you think about it, she was already running for a long time before her fantastic years running at Chino high school.

How quickly someone improves is not an indicator of long term proper development.
The easiest results will be gathered when the least experienced group trains. I am not trying to take anything away from this coach. I would like the discussion to continue and the questions asked by you as well.
Do you want to be faster now or continue to develop for the duration of your competitive years? ( yes some would say both )
Your logged results can not be disputed.
The method of short term gain versus long term development can be.
Just because you can ? Does this mean you should?

Yes Angela, those are words of wisdom.

Hannah was only age 14 last year (birthdate in January). She was in the Youth class, not Intermediate, which you quoted the record for.

The record, which Hannahs time is faster than, for USATF Youth, from the USATF site:

“100m 11.73 seconds
Kendall Baisden
Motor City TC Greensboro, NC 2009-Jul-31”

Hannahs AAU record is 11.71 seconds

I saw Kendall run a few weeks ago. She ran a 60 in 7.63 FAT I believe, second fastest in Michigan right now. She is a tall, thin girl with a very relaxed stride. I was hand timing 30m and she came through in under 4.20 in her 7.63.

deleated as already posted…

From what it sounds like training with a high school team (remember, she’s home schooled) didn’t work out, Cunliffe quit to focus on summer track, training with her high school team was “interfering” with that.

100 Meters
11.99a 1.2 I F Apr 9 Arcadia Invitational D…
12.25a V P Apr 16 Eason Invitational
12.16a V F Apr 16 Eason Invitational

200 Meters
24.71a .6 I F Apr 9 Arcadia Invitational D…
25.13a V P Apr 16 Eason Invitational
25.30a V F Apr 16 Eason Invitational

She started early this year, as she quit Fall swim team to run/train for Winter indoor track. Hope that early specializing and extreme training haven’t effected her running?
My daughter has been wondering what is up, as she exchanges facebook messages with her and follows her HS performance (what couple meets Hannah did do) I guess her account on Facebook has been offline or deleted for a couple weeks now.

I assume the weather at Arcadia was nice and warm. At the Eason, it was very cold and rainy, not a good day for sprinters.

^^ Yeah, this season has been terrible, we’ve had one meet that was dry and over 55 degrees. Just horrible, but not unfair as everybody has had to deal with it.

Rich, I was hoping you had more info on Hannah. My sources are other coaches but nothing official from her club yet, she was removed from the Washington rankings on athletic.net a few weeks ago.

As I said, I don’t know anything, just what my daughter tells me through her conversations with Hannah and news.
I stopped communicating with Mike last Fall, and won’t again.

HS track is just as competitive as summer AAU track (Hannah does not have the fastest 100m time for the State this season) and I hope for Hannahs’ sake, that the “fun” hasn’t been diminished.

was she doing the box jumps in spikes??? surely looks so ! :frowning:

You got that right, which is what scared the you-know-what out of some of us earlier. I know that Carl was a long jumper who sprinted . Any idea at what age he started serious plyos?

i presume he started as soon as tellez got him to UH.

has anyone ever gone to a playschool and watched what the 5 year olds do.

They are doing plyometrics, jumping down and up steps, over sand castles and all the other activities they make up themselves.

The genetically gifted ones are usually the hypo ones.