
What do you teach your sprinters with the usage of hands.

  1. Whatever feels most comfortable.
  2. Hands Clinched.
  3. Open Hands.

Please explain

I teach relaxed open hands - and depending on the athlete but most beginners I tend to focus on elbows back and hands will do what tehy are supposed to on their own

I think the general idea is #1. I couldn’t imagine running some of the longer sprints (400m) with open hands. It just feels more natural with closed relaxed hands.

I always tell people to go with whats comfortable. The relaxed hand thing developed as a cue to relax the shoulders. Try relaxing your hand while flexing your shoulders. It feels a little odd, doesn’t it? You force someone to run with relaxed hands and chances are they will relax their shoulders as well, at least to some extent. If you’re dealing with a runner who runs with relaxed shoulders no matter what their hands are doing, then its fine to let them do whatever they’re comfortable with. As long as they aren’t tightening up in the shoulders, what they’re doing with their hands isn’t important.

shoot i would agree by saying let the hands do what they want as long as there not flopping around like a sissy when their running if you catch my drift. keep the wrist locked

relaxed, semi-closed hands.

This is kind of funny but try it. Clench your fists tight and pump your arms and breathe as if you are sprinting for ten seconds.

Did you begin to clench your teeth also?