Greene & Crawford verbal battle

check this out
USA Today

ha Greene owned him, but Crawford was behind at the start and caught up so I’d say it was Greene’s start that gave him the edge, it was Scott he burned through 45 and 75

hahaha interesting.

man when are these races ever on tv?! i always missed theM!

hahaha classic. i wonder what greenes answer to powell and gatlin will be though. also obikwelu has been silent this year. greene hasnt run sub 10 yet, so i dont know how he plans to do at the world champs.

Thats what the sport needs! Some good old fashioned banter and rivialry to liven up the poor press that we always get… Our sport needs these kind verbal battles and more televised meets. WWE does it…Boxing does it so why not track?! They are ALL lucky I’m not an elite sprinter yet cos I got alot of mouth! :stuck_out_tongue:
If I was up there with those guys now (as a top sprinter), I’d be in the press all the time with my outlandish and showdown comments! Anything for entertainment! :smiley:

Action speaks louder than words.

Mo’s time is over - gatlin, crawfords and powells time has come. FACT: He was not able to run worlds fastest time since 2001.

Mo is a great athlete, but sometimes he should better shut up. His mouth could not make him win in athens, neither get back WR.

One of mo’s greatest achievements was that he ran the same time in the Oly. Games 2000 and 4 years later in Athens - but in 2000 it was enough for gold, in 2004 it made him 3rd and in 2008 (Peking) it won’t be enough for even that.

I hope he does not follow Ali’s terrible example of a sports hero not knowing when to stop…

He is still enjoying sprinting, and still is compedative, so i see no reason for him to stop.

This is what i like about Greene, he lets nothing get him down.

Other athletes, i think are shit bags, if they had been through the years and troubles greene had.

They would not have the desire

Motivation, to train.

But Greene still has, and he is having a good time.

When you stop enjoying it, loose the desire.

That is the time to stop


i think this is pretty ridiculous. he may not be running the worlds fastest times right now, but hes still competitive at the world class level so theres no real reason for him to stop. tell me, have gatlin or crawford run faster wind legal times this year? no. and who did mo just beat? crawford. who did mo own in athens? crawford and powell. only powell and now azziz have run faster times than mo so far. mos mouth isnt that big. btw, 2008 is in beijing.

Beijing and Peking is the same city just an other name.

I think Green is still worldclass but so is Crawford, Powell rules them all ofcourse. And I think it is good for the sport to have these battles.

I did not say he should stop now! In most of the races he is good for a top 3 spot and he is still a very competitive athlete.

What I call ridiculous: to get beaten in 9 ot of 10 races and still claim to be the “Greatest of all Time” and to claim to have the “fastest top speed of all” when other guys run 100m faster than Mo ever could an currently even more than 0.25s faster than Mo can now. Thats either stupid, a “form of marketing” or call it simply a lie.

That’s why I think it’s time to shut up for him now. I wonder what his remarks will be on Asafa running WR! Mo never accepted anybody elses achievements, he always tries to put his opponents down.
But in a time when the crowds rather watch WWF circusclowns than real sports maybe that’s the way sports goes. SAD.

Girls quarrel, men should act. But let Mo and Crawford do the talking - others do the running. I only say 9.77 and again: ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN (Mo’s) WORDS.

btw: beijing is Peking im my language - sorry for not being international enough.

He calls himself the greatest of all time because he’s run sub 10 like 52 times. That destroys anyone else (2nd place is like 20 something…Carl was like 12).

They call Muhammad Ali the greatest of all time. Do you think he should be able to beat Klitchko today?

fair enough. the top speed comment i thought was pretty dumb, but hes still the greatest 100m man of all time. like mentioned above, he has nearly 60 sub 10 times, second most is ato with 20 something. and justifying his greatest status is easy when hes been competing at a world class level for 10 years. and coming back to win a bronze in athens after breaking his leg. mo has done more then crawford or gatlin ever will.

as for powell, i stated earlier in this thread that if he was to continue talking hed have to have an answer to him, and so far he hasnt with no sub 10 times. im sure mo respects powell accomplishments and knows hell have to step it up to stand a chance. but these are things he cant worry about, mind games will only hurt him. and also i repeat that powell is the only man who is running faster then mo, and hes putting a beating on everyone

as for peking, oops hahaha. i shouldve known this. i spoke too fast cuz i get riled up when people crap on mo.

Regardless when trash talking is in the limelight, it brings up the competition just that much more. YOU GOTTA STEP UP YOUR GAME IF YOU ARE GONNA TALK IT! If you are gonna sing it, BRING IT! I will talk trash to anyone if I believe in my talents, and if I lose, then I go back, revamp my training, and come back for more…but no more trash talking until I win…after that…GAME ON!

So, no matter what anyone says about who is the greatest of all time, the best top end speed, the best start, or the deepest track club…bottom line…talk trash and back it up…it makes it fun…dont take it personal, just take it!

The man is already a legend, I for one feel he can say whatever he feels he needs to say.

This type of thing only makes watching the event even more exciting, see who brings the focus on that particular day.

Anyway would football or baseball be half as interesting without rivalries? If there was no bad blood between the BoSox and the Yankees do you think games between them would contain half the excitment?

I’m not personally the type of person who’d do or say the things Mo does, but damn if it isn’t funny and it sure helps liven things up in a sport desperate for (good) publicity.