
Alot of internal resistance => improper firing sequence => tear hammies.
=> more power required to fight own body => lose speed

You have to be flexible in designing your plan. For instance, if your AM workout is right after rising or if you can’t get to bed early (it is most likely you are not a full-time athlete at this point), you might need to do less stressful work like med ball circuits initially. Also, if you are a developing athlete with limited ability to express power, you are well suited to using explosive med ball work, in reasonable numbers, right before starts or speed work.
On the other hand a highly developed, high level athlete will warm up more easily than a beginner, which has two implications. First, the ability to generate great force leads to an earlier depletion of that ability, meaning that doing explosive med ball work just before speed would lead to a decline in performance just when it’s needed most.
Second, that same ability to warm up faster (probably combined with being more rested due to full time status) leads to the likelyhood that explosive throws will not be a problem in the AM.
A fair assessment of your training status and level should help you decide which way to go.

good answer, thanks Charlie

You could start with replacing the hills with split 60s on Wed.

Thanks Charlie,

We call split 300’s (100+100+100) or any variation thereof. In split 60’s are we referring to repeat 60’s with short rest or split variations of 60’s as in (20+20+20)?

Would there be any reason to include the 20+20+20 in your opinion? I haven’t seen anyone do this. It would seem, intuitively to not be something to include due to the fact that 60m is still considered alactic and thus technically there is no reason to break it up into splits for endurance purposes.



Split 60s are runs of 60m not 20m and are used as prep for full Speed Enduance Runs.

Typical Session: 2-3 sets of 3-4 x 60m.

Similarily, split runs can be prescribed as preperation for special endurance runs of a longer duration. e.g.
2 x (100+100+100) —> 2 x (150+150) —> 2 x (200+100) —> 2 x 300m.

Hope this helps.

Yes. That’s right. Prob split 60s is a confusing term. Better to say repeat 60s with incomplete recovery.

The graphs displayed in your Vancouver video tape 1 are very informative; however, the camera man didn’t do so well a job as to focus in on some of the key aspects and the viewer can quite read what is being stated on some of those graphs (i.e. Ben’s 1987 annual plan and the Vertical Integration).

These graphs are of enormous importance and I’d like to make a suggestion that they be put in a future book (if you have not decided to do so) or the upcoming Vancouver Video tapes 3 and 4. I know its a bit redundant but if at all possible it would be greatly appreciated if the camera person could zoom in/out on the various aspects of both plans; otherwise, I’m gonna have to go down the street and let some video professional decript the mystery and have him print it out to me some how. :wink: :wink:

The graphs will be in the new release- soon. No need for Blechley Park.

Thanks. LOL :slight_smile:

dude when we say 100+100+100 does this mean ‘walk what you ran for rest’. so its run 100 walk 100 run 100 walk 100 run 100?? just bit confused on this.

Pretty sure the pluses are 50m walks.

100 (walk 50) 100 (walk 50) 100 (walk 100)

By the way this has been an awesome thread! Thanks alot Charlie

  • = 30-60sec break (or more for novice athlete).
    30secs = approx 50m walk
    60secs = approx 100m walk

Reducing recovery times between split runs can be used as a form of intensification leading to complete (non-split) rep e.g. 300m. Also, remember that split reps are a means of intensification beyond the continuous pace you could achieve. Recovery between runs must allow this.

Agree. Remember, these are the fast runs being referred to, not tempo.

okay man i get it, thnx . i always thought it was some ‘code’ for tempo runs but now i know. so basically i can start off with 60sec and gradually build up my fitness through lowering recovery all way to 30sec. but wat about intensities at which those are run ??
ex a session like

It can look the same for both tempo and speed- it’s the speed that determines. What you’re showing me here looks more like a tempo session as that would be too much speed work. If speed work, it would prob look like this: 2 reps total
100 + 100 + 100 (walk 100 break between runs)
25min recovery
100 + 100 + 100 (walk 100 break between runs)

and how fast are those hunderds run at charlie?? with 25min between sets i can assume they are fast.

If they are speed, then 95% of best time or faster

What would 100 + 100 + 100 speedwork w/25 minutes rest be used for?

The 100 + 100 + 100 is with 100m walks between- then 25min recovery, then another set. this is split-three hundreds Special Endurance