Please give your opinions on the following GPP. There maybe more of an influence on speed and strength to usual which would be more suitable for an athlete who has been out for some time.
GPP 8 weeks
Speed Conditioning/maintenance (grass or track)
Monday: 85% pace/1 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 20/30m accel
Thursday: 87% pace/1 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 20/30m accel
Monday: 89% pace/1 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Thursday: 91% pace/1 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Monday: 93% pace/1 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Thursday: 95% pace/1/1.5 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Monday: 97% pace/1.5 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Thursday: 99% pace/1.5/2 minute rest: 5 x flying 20m. 5 x 30m accel
Maintain the above at 99% pace until end of GPP. The 5x30m accel in one of the sessions can be dropped in place of hill accel from wk 5 onwards.
Weights (only working sets shown) Either after speed or as shown
Tuesday: 1x10
Friday: 2x10 (2-3 mins rest)
Tuesday:3x10 (2-3 mins rest)
Friday: 5x5 (powerfully using weight
corresponding to 10rm, 1 min rest ie. EDT (charles staley)
Tuesday: 5x5 (increase the weight or the reps to 6 and use same rest)
Friday: 5x5
Tuesday: 3x10 (superset if desired)
Friday: 5x5
Tuesday: 3x10
Friday: 5x5
This is a loose example to show that 5x5 could be used in place of 3x10 to help maintain strength effectively and also to alleviate staleness to higher reps.
Hills: Either after weights or in place of weights on Tuesdays and Fridays (weights then being moved to post speed)
Wks 1-4 Endurance (inc Blood H+) tolerance
5/6 reps x 85% effort for a length of approx 60-70 metres on reasonable incline that allows decent technique. 2-3 minutes rest
As sessions progress gradually increase the % effort keeping rest and length approx the same.
Wks 5-8 Maintain/improve endurance & develop power
1st session as above
2nd session atleast 5 x 5 x 20-30m accel runs. Here the speed accel runs on the track can be dropped for the 2nd sessions of the week.
(or vice versa for the above sessions)
Ext Tempo
Wednesday and saturday