GPP Weights Graph 2 - Not rendering in PDF

Would someone mind posting Weights graph 2 from the GPP Essentials DVD.

I have the PDF download, but page 6 is not rendering and gives me an error message. This has happened on two different computers.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’m also missing Speed Work Graph 1 - Week 5.

Help please :slight_smile:

Appears to be a problem with the PDF file - same problem on three different computers.

Yeah, im missing graph 2 too!
Also, missing is graph for speed wk 5 i think it is. But if you look over em, you get the idea of what to do.

Not just my dodgy computer then.

I’v PM’d Rupert, have to wait and see what he can do.

Whats training for Luca? Event? Schools? Opens?

What does rendering mean? These graphics have been distributed to hundreds of members.

I replied to your private message, also…what version of Acrobat are you using?

Let me know.


Just out of school actually. Training for fun really - that and I want to see what good training can do.

Using Adobe Acrobat 7.0.

‘Rendering’ is my way of saying the picture isn’t showing up (it makes me feel clever).

Well, good to see you are starting off by using a decient program. Start using one early. But, if your too from QLD, then tis a bit late, season has already started really! Next season perhaps?

Just wondering if someone would be able to post a screen capture of;

  1. Weights Graph 2

  2. Speed Work Week 5

Just open it in Adobe, then press Print Screen, go to your ‘Paint’ application and Edit-Paste.

Seeing as this section of the forum is only available to people who own the GPP DVD anyway, shouldn’t be a problem.

If someone could help out I would be most grateful.

ya cant cut n past that Adobe. Unless its been changed, ya can only only look at it.

week 5 speed:

6x10 flat on ground
6x10 push up pos
6x20 high start
1x4x20 efe
1x50 high start acc 20/30main