GPP Strength Training

Thanks and I totally agree with your comment.

Both theoretically and practically I have found that the more muddled the training session becomes the more difficult it is to scrutinize the significance of each means beyond what’s obvious.

I prefer to minimize the means directed towards the same muscle groups/movement patterns in order that I may objectively determine what’s truly beneficial versus what can be eliminated or moved to an auxiliary status.

You’re more than good by having one tonic/slow-strength means and one phasic/speed-strength means per session for the same muscle groups/movement pattern.


I must note, however, that I have no objections against more than one speed-strength means for the same/similar muscle groups if the pattern of movement is different (ergo a vertical jumping movement and a horizontal jumping movement, etcetera)

what is warm up C and warm up W. cheers.

1: Jog-Skip
2: Quick Static stretch
3: Dym mobility
4: Drills
5: Builds