Good article on speed & age.

Great Pavel! Nice to see how people make PBs at that age. Many before 30s make excuses that they are “too old” to sprint well. So heavy weights before acceleration day seems to work great for you? How many weeks have you followed such setup?

Pavel, interesting that you have gone to the plan. I gravitated toward something very very similar and have had more pr’s in weights and sprints than ever. I lift the day before sprints pretty frequently and have no trouble.

I have also gone to a simple plan with simple progressions.

Hey man thanks for making us older sprinters look good. I dont compete anymore but I still do lots of speedwork to be able to run with my athletes

I wonder if there’s something here beyond masters. I think accels on Monday and Friday is the same scheme that Pfaff has used. I wonder if there’s a stimulus effect from the heavy weights the day before accels.

Have you done some of the accels without the heavy weights the day before and noticed a difference?

Nice. That’s respectably fast!

Are you familiar with Anatoli Bondarchuck, the legendary Russian hammer throw coach? I’ve read many of his books and he mentions that some athletes perform technically better the day after weight work, when their muscles are fatigued. These types of athlete will perform weight work the day before a competition!
Of course this is only in regards too hammer throwers, not sure if the same can be said for sprinters, but interesting nonetheless.

I don’t think it has anything to do with being a masters age athlete. The folks I got the idea from were mid-late 20’s bobsledders. Keeping volumes manageable and using simplicity is the key imo. I have done the following with pretty much equal results:

  1. Accel and weights
  2. off or low int
  3. weights
  4. speed
  5. weights
  6. maybe another running day
  7. off


weights, sprint, weights, sprint, weights, sprint - alternating each day.

I do this scheme because of my work… I am not able to make training twice a day… So that’s the reason. Secondly, the schedule one week before my record was like this:
MO- weights (bench, sqats, latpulldown)
TU- 2x10m starts, 3x30m acceleration, 1x70m (95%)
WE- weights ( bench, deadlift, rows)
TH- tempo: 4x200m
FR- rest
SA- competition

So you can see here that the weights before comp. were out of schedule. I rest…

on 17th I ran 6.93 - terrible last 30m due to tension during my race when I was head to head with Czech record holder over 100m Jan Veleba (10.23) and I was trying to run with him… He did 6.85…