genetic limitations

Only i can say is:
cyaround bad boy !! :cool:

Just my 2c but i weigh 176lbs (this morning) and i train for reps with 160kg on squats. Im guessing my 1rm is about 180kg. And i dont even squat that much this time of yr. I reckon 4 times in 8 weeks at most.
As soon as season finishes here im gonna hit the squats big time and i expect to see >200kg for reps in 8 months or so.
And im a crappy athlete. So i dont see why some good athlete couldnt hit 1000lbs under 200lbs clean.

It just doesn’t work that way man.

Any powerlifter/olympic lifter that has squatted 900-1000 RAW was a SHW. You expect some guy under 200lbs to do the same lift? It is impossible.

Well BJ squatted 600lbs for reps and he wasnt a powerlifter.

I think a 4x BW squat is possible for a lot of athletes. Hell im homing in on 3x myself and as i say im far from the best.

I dont think its beyond the bounds of possibility to see a 900lbs squat froma 200lbs guy

Chuck Vogelpohl squatted 1025 at 220 in a CANVAS SUIT and on maximum “supplements”. Needless the say the canvas suit is good for about 200lbs.

I don’t think anyone’s going to squat 900 or 1000 raw at under 200 in the near future. Get real! The 198lb IPF world record in suit & wraps is like 825. That’s barely 4x equipped for the real world record holder.

You may not realize how many people have already squatted over 1,000. Fully equipped yes.

I wish I could say that someone already had done 1,000 at under 200, but it HAS been done at 220 or less.

Of course a sprinter wouldn’t attempt it in training he would do something like 750 for 10 reps. (though capable of doing much more) The risk of injury would be too great, but he would still have the CAPACITY to squat 1,000. (equipped with a belt, and knee wraps)

And if ANYONE can really do 600 clean, they can do 1,000 eventually.

Think about it;

a 1,000 lbs. squat at 190. Imagine how much you would be able to power clean? And if you could bench 600-700 without a shirt at 190?

If the person had the right coaching and natural speed base, who knows what would happen?

(and think what they could do on a football field, if they could run 100M under 10.00 FAT)

Who has done it under 220? Do I have to get out my issues Powerlifting USA with the top 198s?

I spoke with Fred Hatfield several years ago. He was talking about how his jumping ability and explosiveness was best when he was squatting around 500 at 181. He said as he went up to squatting 900 and 100 at around 250, he was not as mobile or able to jump as high.

How much does Asafa Powell squat? How much does Kim Collins squat? DOES Kim Collins squat?

If you spent your life trying to squat a lot, you would probably end up being a crappy sprinter. There are lots of Olympic lifters who are under 200 and can squat alot. They might have a good sprint to 10m-20m but then what…

So to answer your question. If you squat 1000 at 190, will you run 10.0? No.

Mortac, how can we determine when building more strength is useless, or counter-productive?

If you wanted some measure you’d need to do an ESD (explosive strength deficit) or a Bosco test.

ESD is defined by Zatsiorsky as the difference between maximal force produced (a squat) and the force produced in an athletic movement (a sprint stride). To touch on Mr. Supplement’s post, this is like saying, “ok, you can exert 1000lbs of force in a squat that takes 2 seconds but how much force can you apply in .10 seconds in a sprint stride”. If you could apply 300lbs of force in the time of your athletic movement (sprint stride .1) then your ESD is 70%. …And no it is something that is not really easy to measure unless you have some force plates.
Withouth explaining the entire concept verbatim, I’d recommend Science & Practice of Strength Training by Zatsiorsky or researching ESD on the net.

The Bosco test is doing a quarter squat with an additional load equal to your bodyweight. Pause with knees at 45degrees for 2 seconds, then jump up. Compare that to the jump height from a quarter squat the same way but with no weight.

If your loaded jump is close to your unweighted jump (40%+), then you need more dynamic/reflex work. The same goes if your ESD “athletic movement” is not near as powerful as your max output. I don’t remember the ESD ideal ratio offhand.

here is a decent PowerPoint on stuff like this:

I think Charlie has written some about this (but don’t recall exactly where) with respect to Ben’s weight work. Charlie pointed out that Ben certainly could have gone above 600 in the (half) squat, but there was no purpose in doing so. Thus, it comes down to 3 times body weight or so. Those of us who are more power oriented and utilize the drive phase (me) might want to do a little more, but gaining the extra muscle mass for a 200+ pound man to squat 800+ does not seem a useful exercise.

Also there was a discussion about the 200, where it was pointed out that people doing heavy lifting (presumably adding weight) got slower in the 200, which is more about speed endurance.

This argument is assuming that the athlete can;
Squat 600+
Bench 400+
at 173 lbs. 3% bodyfat
And can already run a;
-10.39 100M FAT
-2.86 20M FAT

NATURALLY! Lifetime natural, no less.

The question is what would happen when you combine the increased motor unit activation, (which drastically increases quickness; which was why Ben Johnson was able to run so fast; Primarily his strides per second) and the increased Strength to a 1,000 squat and 700 bench. The combination of these elements.

You have to consider that he is already a world class sprinter by Natural standereds.

(Jesse Owens only ran a hand timed 10.2-10.3 which is equal to a FAT 10.44-10.54 or slower)

I meant to say that the lightest weight I remember someone squatting 1,000 was at the 220 weight class. (I am not saying they were at the 198 class)

What I meant was they may have been well under 220 lbs. But they definitely were not over 220.

And this is not about technique in the squat; thats simply a measure of leg strength. The fact that they can run a -10.39 shows they must have damn good technique and natural ability.

That they can run a -2.86 20M shows they are extremely quick, and their Nervous system is already extremely efficient. Now bump it up a few notches and what happens? Does that body break through the plateau or does it reach a certain level regardless of how it was attained? (consider the guy who cracked 1100 in the squat was only doing 475 clean, and the top Natural lifters are only doing 710-740 equipped while the top ‘other’ lifters have cracked the 1100 barrier (also equipped)

So how is it that this quantum leap does not apply to sprinting?

Note that the odds are most the guys who are doing 710-740 ‘Natural’ have done the drugs in the past AND many of them may very well be using Insulin, GH, and other things. Sorry but this is the essence of elite sports; we need to get to the bottom of this.

Mr. Supplements, assuming you are for real, you seem to be under the impression that you can maximise performance in strength and speed and speed endurance and everything else all at once. You can’t. Keep that in mind for the future. Stop with this most overconfident crap, take my advice and go and read Speed Trap. It’s a good read.

The best “lifters” are usually not the best 100m sprinters.

If you run a 2.86 20m and a 10.39 100m, that indicates that his top speed or speed endurance is lacking. weights help the most early in the race.

I know of at least 2 10.1x guys that squat only 2.5x bodyweight or less. So they’re squatting around 400 and the run 10.1x. I know one of the guy’s coach doesn’t really care that he only squats ~400.

If your guy goes from a 600lb squat to 1000lb, he may run 10.39 and he may run 9.75…who knows.

The Speed Trap book would give you the kind of real data you’re looking for.

That’s all I have to say on this matter.

I read Speed Trap.

It was 20 years ago, things are a lot different now.

It said something about a 10.88 at one point and then a 9.7 at another point for Ben Johnson. So maybe we can safely assume we are looking at 7/10ths and sometimes as much as 1.0 seconds off the 100M?

How can this be???

This is nuts…

Football players are saying 3/10ths-4/10ths off thier 40 times.

I’m sorry but what a strange world we live in…

A 10.88 to 9.79 (possibly faster) is not only about strength, unless you forgot about the 8 hour days of high quality sprint work and the like that went into developing him as a sprinter. Do you not understand? Strength development will aid in acceleration and possibly max v to an extent, but the last 2 world records have been set because of the speed endurance qualities they had. Most of the race is not acceleration and spending so much time on weights is not going to help. Also, people are not a legit 3% bodyfat naturally. Bodybuilders may get there for a few hours with massive amounts of drugs (that help keep up their hormone levels artificially), but cannot maintain that level on any sort of normal basis.

PM me your pre and post results if you don’t mind;

I would assume that 7/10ths to 1.2 seconds are the magic number off the 100M time (after drug use)

That would be like beating oneself by 10M in a 100M dash, not much different then;

Going from 500 or 600 to 1000 or 1100 in the squat, as elite powerlifters do. (after drug use)

None of this talk! You have been warned.